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Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 3:48 am
by Artisan
Any thoughts about making different body types for players. Like slim, muscular, chubby (or whatever is politically correct lol). I feel like customizations make the game more appealing to most. And personally I'd like to make a Tank that felt like it was a Tank...maybe with a belly. With all characters being basically the same body type it really feels a little less authentic to me in some ways.

Re: Bodies

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 3:59 am
by Warsong
Any thoughts about making different body types for players. Like slim, muscular, chubby (or whatever is politically correct lol). I feel like customizations make the game more appealing to most. And personally I'd like to make a Tank that felt like it was a Tank...maybe with a belly. With all characters being basically the same body type it really feels a little less authentic to me in some ways.
Tbh I love being able to customize my characters body style. This game just doesn't have it. Height, skin color, hair and color, and face. Lol definitely agree.

I'd definitely enjoy different races way down the road personally. Like Human, faerie, stonevale troll, Crookback goblins, undead, etc.

Not entirely feasible atm, but it's a cool thing to think about. Have each race have a specific crafting they are better at then other races. Doesn't effect combat skills or anything. Just being able to customize my character more would make this game so much more enticing.

Re: Bodies

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 4:01 am
by Mind
Lol I could see this being added, but again, don't need to make this major priority. I'd like this and I agree with the above thought process (Vindicator fash looks like perfect tank fash lol). However I could see there being issues making all armors and fashions fit different body styles, and would make stuff looked warped and they'd have to revisit every piece to make sure.

(not gonna lie, just going from the thread title, I was hoping it'd be "new ragdoll/dying animations" which I could totally get behind :lol: )

Re: Bodies

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 6:01 am
by KillerFrost
On the topic of big bellied tanks, I automatically assume that tank mains are on the chubby side irl lmao. But yea, a more customizable character creater tool would def be cool and fun to play with. Although I’d prob just spend like 2 hours making the “perfect” looking toon .-.

Re: Bodies

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 10:41 am
by Eragon123
I think Mind hit the nail on the head with the warping issue. It’s a lot easier to design fashion and equipment for one body type, rather than many. I don’t think Unity (or at least this version) would support whatever it takes to fit gear to a player model like most larger games have. Extra races is an extreme version of that lol.

I like the idea though.

Re: Bodies

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 2:32 pm
by Artisan
With regards to the way the fashion would fit....they already do that. Each piece of fashion has a Male and female version. While it would be some extra work to adjust it for various body types, it's pretty much already being done.

At first it would probably start with 3 builds (Slender, Muscular and Large). While the though of a tank being 6'5" and 400lbs (with a belly, dont forget the belly) imagine a rogue or ranger with a similar body type. Imagine him doing that Gelebron Bow/Dagger skill.....not sure that much "epic" is quantifiable.

Re: Bodies

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 2:49 pm
by Bullgart
+1 Would be cool. Love character customization . Along with the ability to jump while moving. Still want that. Lol.

Re: Bodies

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 7:13 pm
by bob the mage
On the topic of big bellied tanks, I automatically assume that tank mains are on the chubby side irl lmao. But yea, a more customizable character creater tool would def be cool and fun to play with. Although I’d prob just spend like 2 hours making the “perfect” looking toon .-.

Re: Bodies

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 7:47 pm
by MrsDredd
(Vindicator fash looks like perfect tank fash lol). However I could )

Right?? I hate vindicator otherwise but I wear white on my tank Cos it just suits her and looks wrong on any other toon lol

Re: Bodies

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 8:01 pm
by bob the mage
(Vindicator fash looks like perfect tank fash lol). However I could )

Right?? I hate vindicator otherwise but I wear white on my tank Cos it just suits her and looks wrong on any other toon lol
