Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Global Auction House

I would like to bring up an added function for the lost time lux shop (LTLS). Currently, my server (Sulis) has problems with LTLS nobody is buying anything from the LTLS. Currently, if you don't want the LTLS item you shouldn't buy it because nobody wants that LTLS at that lux shop's price or they would have bought it. So, it is assumed that any item in the LTLS is unwanted by everyone else.

With a global ah, that would not be the case. Another server could want it, but not have access to it for the same reasons the original server doesn't have access to other LTLS items. The good news is that server now does have access to the item from a different server and it is worth the LTLS price or more because the server doesn't have access to it.

I could see people buying items they don't need from the LTLS to help other servers that don't have access to that item. Maybe that could be even more wanted given the tavern is global? Maybe people could start saying "buying blank in ah" and so someone checks the LTLS for that item. If it is there buy it and add it to the ah.

What do you think about this?
This would be a good benefit of a global AH. It also reminds me of an earlier suggestion of some sort of "looking to buy" type of feature to add to the AH. If you knew someone was looking for a certain lux item and it was up at the LTLS, then you'd know you had a great chance of it selling if you chose to buy it.
I dont wanna be rash but, dumb idea sorry. If a whole server doesnt want an item, why would literally anyone else want an item on different server? All servers except i think 1 are in the same area endgame wise (bt) and most trying Dino. The highly coveted items like huntsman, wyldshrine sun/mountain, reaper, stargem ammys, poacher, hunter ammy, stalker ammy. Those are all always immediately bought cause its either a profit or a good useful item. Those lvl 100 lux items no one uses unless someones hella rich and they just say “why tf not”. Otherwise, no one would u use on one world, therefore no one would use it on any other world. If anything why not have LTLS just reset every 3.5 days. Every wednesday at noon and every sunday at midnight
True, true. Okay good point. I bet there are some items that the LTLS has items that nobody wants. That could be concerning. I still believe the global tavern could allow more LTLS items to be sold if the global auction. house was a thing. Your right though. I don't think it will work like clockwork.

I am +1 for the reset in LTLS. However, I think 3.5 days is kind of soon. Maybe like every 30 days (a month). In that case I believe the global auction house might help more since the servers wouldn't have to buy only the items in the that LTLS once it gets stuck with items no one wants.
Signature updated as of December 10th, 2022

177 Druid Sulis
123 Ranger fingal
102 Rogue Sulis

Re: Global Auction House

This would be a good benefit of a global AH. It also reminds me of an earlier suggestion of some sort of "looking to buy" type of feature to add to the AH. If you knew someone was looking for a certain lux item and it was up at the LTLS, then you'd know you had a great chance of it selling if you chose to buy it.
I dont wanna be rash but, dumb idea sorry. If a whole server doesnt want an item, why would literally anyone else want an item on different server? All servers except i think 1 are in the same area endgame wise (bt) and most trying Dino. The highly coveted items like huntsman, wyldshrine sun/mountain, reaper, stargem ammys, poacher, hunter ammy, stalker ammy. Those are all always immediately bought cause its either a profit or a good useful item. Those lvl 100 lux items no one uses unless someones hella rich and they just say “why tf not”. Otherwise, no one would u use on one world, therefore no one would use it on any other world. If anything why not have LTLS just reset every 3.5 days. Every wednesday at noon and every sunday at midnight
True, true. Okay good point. I bet there are some items that the LTLS has items that nobody wants. That could be concerning. I still believe the global tavern could allow more LTLS items to be sold if the global auction. house was a thing. Your right though. I don't think it will work like clockwork.

I am +1 for the reset in LTLS. However, I think 3.5 days is kind of soon. Maybe like every 30 days (a month). In that case I believe the global auction house might help more since the servers wouldn't have to buy only the items in the that LTLS once it gets stuck with items no one wants.
Im against every 30 days cuz in this day and age thats like 2-3 resets lol which will reset it anyway, how about the LTLS shop resets one of its 3 item slots (neck, bracelet, ring) and it chooses so randomly, and that sequence happens every 3.5 days so at earliest time, all 3 should be reset every 10.5days
Arawn- Invicta
SlyShadows - 220 Tank Warrior (Retired, Arawn)
Animosity - 217 Ranger (Retired, Arawn)
Noctum - 215 Fire Mage
Acrimony - 190 Lock Rogue

Proud Tank of Arawn

Re: Global Auction House

So against this idea. It will break every economy, free servers will be devastated.

@prae as much as you say Eponas ah is full of junk it is one of the few that has circa 40-50 pages of sales at any one time, the only other I have seen is Tara. It would make zero sense to mix a DKP server where selling drops is banned with a free server.

The game does not want to become one macro server, the joy here is the unique experiences on each different world. Why everyone is pushing to make them all the same idk.
Pizzazz 222 mage - Epona

Retired ♥
Eurydice 223 mage - Gwydion

Re: Global Auction House


I dont wanna be rash but, dumb idea sorry. If a whole server doesnt want an item, why would literally anyone else want an item on different server? All servers except i think 1 are in the same area endgame wise (bt) and most trying Dino. The highly coveted items like huntsman, wyldshrine sun/mountain, reaper, stargem ammys, poacher, hunter ammy, stalker ammy. Those are all always immediately bought cause its either a profit or a good useful item. Those lvl 100 lux items no one uses unless someones hella rich and they just say “why tf not”. Otherwise, no one would u use on one world, therefore no one would use it on any other world. If anything why not have LTLS just reset every 3.5 days. Every wednesday at noon and every sunday at midnight
True, true. Okay good point. I bet there are some items that the LTLS has items that nobody wants. That could be concerning. I still believe the global tavern could allow more LTLS items to be sold if the global auction. house was a thing. Your right though. I don't think it will work like clockwork.

I am +1 for the reset in LTLS. However, I think 3.5 days is kind of soon. Maybe like every 30 days (a month). In that case I believe the global auction house might help more since the servers wouldn't have to buy only the items in the that LTLS once it gets stuck with items no one wants.
Im against every 30 days cuz in this day and age thats like 2-3 resets lol which will reset it anyway, how about the LTLS shop resets one of its 3 item slots (neck, bracelet, ring) and it chooses so randomly, and that sequence happens every 3.5 days so at earliest time, all 3 should be reset every 10.5days
10.5 works
Signature updated as of December 10th, 2022

177 Druid Sulis
123 Ranger fingal
102 Rogue Sulis

Re: Global Auction House

I’ll use an example of Void Gele weapons that are in high demand , but often don’t drop in the 3 years it has been out.

Let’s say the average number of void tier Gele weapons on all servers is 8 (actual numbers could be higher or lesser)

If someone on a smaller server had a void tier weapon and decided to transfer, he/she would probably sell hi/her items on the “Global auction house” to gain the most amount of money.

Given the amount of servers out there, it’s unlikely that the void tier weapon will actually stay on that smaller server, which immediately puts a disadvantage to that server while another one benefits. The amount of void tier weapons is the same, but now the distribution is unequal among servers.

One can argue that it will eventually equal out again, but given the extreme limited availability of the items, there’s a much higher chance it will localize in only a few servers that happen to have much greater buying power.

Re: Global Auction House

Current votes
I went back to see who was for the idea and who was against it. Let me know if I put your name in the wrong category or if you have changed your mind.

  • me (of course),
    Paint It Black,
That is a total of 11 people for the idea.

  • MrScar,
    Sly Shadows,
    Doc Holiday
That is a total of 10 people against the idea.

Wow I knew it was controversial, but I thought we would get somewhere on either side. Still pretty divided.
Last edited by HealsOfHell on Fri May 24, 2019 7:14 am, edited 3 times in total.
Signature updated as of December 10th, 2022

177 Druid Sulis
123 Ranger fingal
102 Rogue Sulis

Re: Global Auction House

I’ll use an example of Void Gele weapons that are in high demand , but often don’t drop in the 3 years it has been out.

Let’s say the average number of void tier Gele weapons on all servers is 8 (actual numbers could be higher or lesser)

If someone on a smaller server had a void tier weapon and decided to transfer, he/she would probably sell hi/her items on the “Global auction house” to gain the most amount of money.

Given the amount of servers out there, it’s unlikely that the void tier weapon will actually stay on that smaller server, which immediately puts a disadvantage to that server while another one benefits. The amount of void tier weapons is the same, but now the distribution is unequal among servers.

One can argue that it will eventually equal out again, but given the extreme limited availability of the items, there’s a much higher chance it will localize in only a few servers that happen to have much greater buying power.
True, but smaller servers already have trouble getting Gele weapons to begin with. They are already at a disadvantage.
Signature updated as of December 10th, 2022

177 Druid Sulis
123 Ranger fingal
102 Rogue Sulis

Re: Global Auction House

I am for this +1. Too bad there is not enough action on these forums such as the activity on the CH band group. Perhaps that would yield more results, hopefully
in favor of there being a global auction house :-)
I'll add you to the list :)
Signature updated as of December 10th, 2022

177 Druid Sulis
123 Ranger fingal
102 Rogue Sulis

Re: Global Auction House

Current votes
I went back to see who was for the idea and who was against it. Let me know if I put your name in the wrong category or if you have changed your mind.

  • me (of course),
That is a total of 9 people for the idea.

  • MrScar,
    Sly Shadows,
That is a total of 9 people against the idea.

Literally split right down the middle. Wow I knew it was controversial, but I thought we would get somewhere on either side.
Long post, probably spelling errors, too lazy to check :lol:

Dont get me wrong, i can see how it can be hella fun, and id enjoy it but dont get me wrong lol. But its an aweful idea for economies. Sure but as everyone already knows, it will have a pretty bad effect on all older players who have antique items they are proud of and value very highly on their server. The global auction house could ruin this, im not saying it WILL but its a chance say someone has sparkling white lan set on Belenus and its only one and its highly prized, people have sought after it for years, now imagine a global AH comes in, someone gets it in AH and in theory it could drop the price dramatically.

Now this white lan set is a very high risk scenario and probably wont happen but its the principle, but it will apply to endgame items, all fashion items, quest items, and platnium items. It might affect combination elixer peices and raise them from 8k to 12k or drop them to 6.5k. You have no idea and it could seriously backfire in your face which is a much more negative effect than what could positively happen. As someone whos been out of the top clan of arawn for like a year now and has competed to be in a comp clan up to Proteus for months making very slow progress, you would think i would be in favor of mass selling of endgame items but im not, ESPECIALLY because of Epona.

Now im not hating on Epona or anything, dont get me wrong i like the world, the concept, and i have a fair amount of friends there. (Haiz Prevail :3 ) But the drastically high amount of endgame, seeds, confluxes, pureness, that are sold is insanely high compared to all other servers. If i recall, some players have bought their whole dg set, idk off other players specifically or from AH but with a global Auction House, people would be able to have an insane overpricing strategy being used because some servers with lower comp clans who desperately need the endgame aids would pay high amounts for it. Theres nothing entirely wrong with this because it is technically a suggested price and no one is forced to pay it by any means but for any server with a one dom clan and lower comp clans, thats something to think about. Not only just smaller comp clans should think about it, but if a one dominant clan server, and the clan wanted to stay dominant uncontested for the most part, well a global auction house is not the way to do it if ur giving access to all players on server to all endgame items, with a bountiful amount of endgame up to gelebron.

Now im not like super known to have very agreeable responses to suggestions....or really known on forums at all lel, but id like to know what you guys think about my counter argument and if u have any counter arguments to what i said, id love to read em.
Arawn- Invicta
SlyShadows - 220 Tank Warrior (Retired, Arawn)
Animosity - 217 Ranger (Retired, Arawn)
Noctum - 215 Fire Mage
Acrimony - 190 Lock Rogue

Proud Tank of Arawn

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