Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Tadaaah Lead Us!


1. Thai team is Virtual Realms; you can shorten to VR if you like.
2. We will certainly try!
3. In terms of volunteer mods and guides, I think I'll speak with those groups first. I understand they were close to OTM, so some may not want to continue and that's fair. We will open it up for other folks to volunteer, as well.
I saw Robert was promoted to Mod. I believe those things need to be more known... Based on what u promote players. Nothing with Robert but the 4 mods we have beforehand are inactive and only one was doing good job, but even he like 2 more out of the 4 were not even playing CH and reached roughly lvl 120.
There's a sticky... I think for moderation, it's not about being an end all, be all, know all, in-game. It's about being active and able to stay partial. :)
And u have 4/5 inactives
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Tadaaah Lead Us!


I mean, I think the idea is about creating a virtual space in which you can immerse yourself. I'm not really sure how people go about naming their company.
How about “VRealms”? It’s longer than OTM, but sounds better to me than VR

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Re: Tadaaah Lead Us!

How about “VRealms”? It’s longer than OTM, but sounds better to me than VR
Ya mods are just supposed to help the admins out with forum stuff, so really a lvl 20 could become a mod if he/she knows what they’re doing. Forum guides are the type of people you want at endgame and have been around since the near beginning
4/5 inactives
That's why I asked them if they wanted to keep their status. In addition, we're working on updating a bit. :P

Re: Tadaaah Lead Us!

How about “VRealms”? It’s longer than OTM, but sounds better to me than VR
Ya mods are just supposed to help the admins out with forum stuff, so really a lvl 20 could become a mod if he/she knows what they’re doing. Forum guides are the type of people you want at endgame and have been around since the near beginning
4/5 inactives
That's why I asked them if they wanted to keep their status. In addition, we're working on updating a bit. :P
Played Game for 6 years, Been in like 90% of Betas, active on forums.. Know Russian,Ukrainian.. Mods are form losers I’ll just skip that and become and admin.. Richard where do I sign?

Re: Tadaaah Lead Us!

Played Game for 6 years, Been in like 90% of Betas, active on forums.. Know Russian,Ukrainian.. Mods are form losers I’ll just skip that and become and admin.. Richard where do I sign?
Why stop at admin? Just have Richard give you the game :lol:
Richard, I am sorry to tell you this but you fired..

Tadaaah, could you be kind and change my name to “TheAdmin” I am all you will ever need;)

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