Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Should there be no lock penalties beyond lvl 220+?

Why do people lvl past 220 knowing the reprecussions of level lock system, then complain about it? Thats my point i made on like page 2, there is no reason to need to level past 220 as lvl cap wont be raised in new update, no new bosses above 220, and u get 5 stats for every level, so everyone knows what happens if you level past 220...negative affects that dont happen, but there was literally no point in leveling past 220, so why complain about something you had no reason to do?
Arawn- Invicta
SlyShadows - 220 Tank Warrior (Retired, Arawn)
Animosity - 217 Ranger (Retired, Arawn)
Noctum - 215 Fire Mage
Acrimony - 190 Lock Rogue

Proud Tank of Arawn

Re: Should there be no lock penalties beyond lvl 220+?

Why do people lvl past 220 knowing the reprecussions of level lock system, then complain about it? Thats my point i made on like page 2, there is no reason to need to level past 220 as lvl cap wont be raised in new update, no new bosses above 220, and u get 5 stats for every level, so everyone knows what happens if you level past 220...negative affects that dont happen, but there was literally no point in leveling past 220, so why complain about something you had no reason to do?
If you're doing bounties for pet and mount tokens, you'll have no choice but to level. Players have been asking for the option to not receive xp on bounties and bosses if in lock group for a long time.
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: Should there be no lock penalties beyond lvl 220+?

Why do people lvl past 220 knowing the reprecussions of level lock system, then complain about it? Thats my point i made on like page 2, there is no reason to need to level past 220 as lvl cap wont be raised in new update, no new bosses above 220, and u get 5 stats for every level, so everyone knows what happens if you level past 220...negative affects that dont happen, but there was literally no point in leveling past 220, so why complain about something you had no reason to do?
As I said on page 2 as well, I never mentioned that we complain about it after we go past 220. I'm saying that the level lock penalty just defeats the purpose of increasing lvl cap to more than 230 in past updates.
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Re: Should there be no lock penalties beyond lvl 220+?

My experience is that the majority of high level players anywhere near that high. Did bounties and floor bosses to get more xp to get a higher level and obtained maxed pets / mounts overwhelmingly through chest tokens, well before going near 230. I don't know of any f2p player who's main method of getting maxed companions is through bounties AND is so high in level. I am a f2p player and I have bought tokens with gold and gotten tokens through bounties with the majority having been bought with gold.

Re: Should there be no lock penalties beyond lvl 220+?

My experience is that the majority of high level players anywhere near that high. Did bounties and floor bosses to get more xp to get a higher level and obtained maxed pets / mounts overwhelmingly through chest tokens, well before going near 230. I don't know of any f2p player who's main method of getting maxed companions is through bounties AND is so high in level. I am a f2p player and I have bought tokens with gold and gotten tokens through bounties with the majority having been bought with gold.
Otm is makeing a new pet/mount that’s more compatable with your toon. You want it. You don’t want to or can’t afflrd to buy chests. Many on your server either stopped buying chests or sell at ridiculous prices. People are selling tokens at ridiculous prices and you don’t feel like feeding in to that by buying overprised merch. You want to eventually get that pet. Only way to do it is bounties. You’re gonna gain xp. So it’s either stay in level lock threshold or eventually get the pet you want. Something about that isn’t right.
Michael Artisan - Warrior, Blake Artisan - Rogue, Ren Artisan - Ranger, Gabriel Artisan - Mage, Yaray (until VR let's me add Artisan to the name) - Druid

Guardian Deity of Danu

Buying White Lanrik Pants on Danu!!!!

Re: Should there be no lock penalties beyond lvl 220+?

My experience is that the majority of high level players anywhere near that high. Did bounties and floor bosses to get more xp to get a higher level and obtained maxed pets / mounts overwhelmingly through chest tokens, well before going near 230. I don't know of any f2p player who's main method of getting maxed companions is through bounties AND is so high in level. I am a f2p player and I have bought tokens with gold and gotten tokens through bounties with the majority having been bought with gold.
Alot of EG players do the bounties for the tokens. Not everyone wants to spend 2m buying tokens even if they have the money to burn, esp when you can get them for free through bounties.
Would you kindly?


Re: Should there be no lock penalties beyond lvl 220+?

Dark Kitty: Why are you bothered with lvl lock abobe 220+ when you don't have any toon even close to 220? Could it be that a removal of level lock would favour your clan compared to others? We all remember how some of your high level clannies complained about this. As the game now is designed it's fair to all, no one get an advantage and everyone can decide if the want to level past 230. Only after 230 the level lock would be a problem and how many are really effected? Should the design really be changed just to please a few players?
No, it's not fair to players who have invested time and money making their characters the best in the game. You accuse dark kitty of an opinion because it favors her clan. I can say the same for your opinion.

The best players in Celtic Heroes are penalized on end game content in this game. All those who like this you are welcome to it. Just know that some of the best people that have played this game have moved on because of it.
Hello Anexander,

There is a big difference between asking something and accusing somebody. I aksed why she was bothered with level lock as she dont have any toon even close to 220. I never accused her. I made an argument that with the present design only very few could argue that they felt an disadvantage due to level lock. I also asked if the whole game design really should be changed due to the needs of a few.

I clearly know that Avalon moved on/quit after you lost a few lock fights at EG. I strongly doubt that the move was due to level lock, rather that you didn't like that you no longer had monopoly on EG. I can understand the frustration but I really do hope Avalon will return as lock fights really is what made Morrigan interesting. You just have to deal with defeat every now and then. Avalon is a great clan even though I dont like all of you and many of you don't like me. So It's sad you are gone.
Morrigan -
Neodym, ranger, Lvl 223,Morrigan Kojak, warrior, Lvl 221, Mabon
Tuula, rogue, Lvl 223, Morrigan Topnotch, ranger, Lvl 220, Mabon
Streiff,ranger, lvl 220, Epona


Re: Should there be no lock penalties beyond lvl 220+?

The ones who argue for level lock to be removed are usually the dominant or “Were dominant” clan on their server. It was placed to allow lower levels and smaller clans to have a chance at boss locks. In the server Morrigan, it did just that. Stopped a clan from monopolizing bosses for 5+ years and opened up the server for the rest of the players to enjoy eg content. It served its purpose well.

Some of the people complaining about this have also done floor bosses religiously every day on multiple toons for xp. And some aren’t even the proper level to discuss 220+ level lock because they’ve never experienced it and have only listened to their clan discussions from endgame players saying it displeases them.

Whether removed or kept people are going to be mad. I’d say just leave it alone not worth changing since people will be mad either way.
Ugnar; 224 Warrior
Myne; 200 Rogue
Dyme; 200 Ranger
Ryme; 216 Druid
V1; 190 Rogue


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