Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Open beta lux

mount and lux vendors are near the arena entrance, not near the courtyard. They are in beta though. I don't know if I am allowed to share pics in here?
Please do! Thats was the point of this post, and thats what i was asking for , :D
And yes , you are allowed to share pics here or in PM ;)
Thank you!

Re: Open beta lux

mount and lux vendors are near the arena entrance, not near the courtyard. They are in beta though. I don't know if I am allowed to share pics in here?
Please do! Thats was the point of this post, and thats what i was asking for , :D
And yes , you are allowed to share pics here or in PM ;)
Thank you!
Be aware that the lux will be subject to change.

Re: Open beta lux

Lux shop got added, and im highly dissapointed since item prices havent changed. Highest tier mount 2m, lux (ammy) is 1.5m. Nothing has changed. I for one wont be coming back to game.

@ pigman, people who sign up for beta want to see some of the new content, and otm tried to satisfy that with minimal objects while really using those players as a stress test. I understand players shouldnt sign up just for a sneak peek, but everyone signs up in hopes of playing with the new items along with helping find bugs. Who wouldnt enjoy testing out the horse for bugs??? But we cant, because otm hasnt given us horses to play with. Servers cant handle it? Then how are they going to handle a whole mount system otm is "going" to implement?... This beta is one dissapointment after the next, and just proves otm hasnt started really listening to players, but are just going to extremes to attempt to keep players in a dieing game.
The only fun part of beta is actually having people online to talk too. Other wise, a big -1
World- Mabon
Sopdu- 180 rogue-ranting
CelticsHero- 144 warrior-ranting
"Real leadership is leaders recognizing that they serve the people that they lead."
"no matter what we breed, we still are made of greed. This is my kingdom, come."

Re: Open beta lux

Lux shop got added, and im highly dissapointed since item prices havent changed. Highest tier mount 2m, lux (ammy) is 1.5m. Nothing has changed. I for one wont be coming back to game.

@ pigman, people who sign up for beta want to see some of the new content, and otm tried to satisfy that with minimal objects while really using those players as a stress test. I understand players shouldnt sign up just for a sneak peek, but everyone signs up in hopes of playing with the new items along with helping find bugs. Who wouldnt enjoy testing out the horse for bugs??? But we cant, because otm hasnt given us horses to play with. Servers cant handle it? Then how are they going to handle a whole mount system otm is "going" to implement?... This beta is one dissapointment after the next, and just proves otm hasnt started really listening to players, but are just going to extremes to attempt to keep players in a dieing game.
The only fun part of beta is actually having people online to talk too. Other wise, a big -1
You're not playing anymore because the event lux and mounts are the same cost?

I don't get this train of thought. Having a lux ammy that gives an extra 300 stat points and 1k health plus regen and dmg isn't necessary to progress in the game. And for some reason the only decent mount is the 2 mil one when the 100k or 200k one is perfectly fine.

For a long time we've gotten by on the reg vendor lux and/or the event lux wasn't nearly as high in stats as it is now. And everyone was just fine. Now so many people are upset because the very top of the top best lux is so expensive.

I understand quitting because there might be nothing left to do in the game but camp or mindlessly grind. In some ways it'd have been better if they had never introduced event lux and just kept mounts as 50 and 60 percent
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: Open beta lux

Lux shop got added, and im highly dissapointed since item prices havent changed. Highest tier mount 2m, lux (ammy) is 1.5m. Nothing has changed. I for one wont be coming back to game.

@ pigman, people who sign up for beta want to see some of the new content, and otm tried to satisfy that with minimal objects while really using those players as a stress test. I understand players shouldnt sign up just for a sneak peek, but everyone signs up in hopes of playing with the new items along with helping find bugs. Who wouldnt enjoy testing out the horse for bugs??? But we cant, because otm hasnt given us horses to play with. Servers cant handle it? Then how are they going to handle a whole mount system otm is "going" to implement?... This beta is one dissapointment after the next, and just proves otm hasnt started really listening to players, but are just going to extremes to attempt to keep players in a dieing game.
The only fun part of beta is actually having people online to talk too. Other wise, a big -1
You're not playing anymore because the event lux and mounts are the same cost?

I don't get this train of thought. Having a lux ammy that gives an extra 300 stat points and 1k health plus regen and dmg isn't necessary to progress in the game. And for some reason the only decent mount is the 2 mil one when the 100k or 200k one is perfectly fine.

For a long time we've gotten by on the reg vendor lux and/or the event lux wasn't nearly as high in stats as it is now. And everyone was just fine. Now so many people are upset because the very top of the top best lux is so expensive.

I understand quitting because there might be nothing left to do in the game but camp or mindlessly grind. In some ways it'd have been better if they had never introduced event lux and just kept mounts as 50 and 60 percent
I was hoping that people would at least remember my many many arguments on this topic, even if not by my name. Here is a link to the last argument on the topic i had. I didnt really bring up many points, as i was getting sick of otm ignoring the topic.
http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... 4&start=30
There are many problems that come along with ridiculous gold prices. Like i called at the end of the conversation, it will be the end of this game.
Looking at that thread reminded me that bitey said the update would be enough to make me happy... Sorry bitey, you were wrong. Sorely dissapointed, and because otm hasnt actually cared enough about player feedback, ive also decided to stop giving it. Its nice discussing these topics with people, but it reminds me of people talking about polotics as if they can actually change what is happening. We just talk and talk, and otm ignores us. And only when the game is on the verge of failing, do otm start listening to a few suggestions that should have easily been implemented years ago.

Why are all these changes suddenly being made after the last "kiss up" update otm made for their end gamers (who ended up very much disliking it... Oh, thanks otm, all i really wanted was for you to strip my accomplishment of endgame from me and make me level for 40+ hours AGAIN), where over 1/2 of the already small population on many servers left. Its to coincidential to not be related. I may be active on other topics, but im done with player feedback until otm shows they appreciate the time and effort players put into writing all the feedback, and realize that they have to start listening to player ideas, and not just the name of the topic and how many replies it has.

I realize the same idea of appreciating effort applies to the players as well, but if the players arent enjoying it, then it becomes a student teacher relationship in this respect. The teacher may have put two hours into making this test, and may spend four hours grading it, but the students do not appreciate the work. And if this is brought up to them, they will say that if its so hard the teacher shouldnt put in the effort and everyone would be happy. Ive heard this approach about the last update, and im beggining to hear it about mount prices and event lux. If otm wants players to appreciate their work, they have to make their work enjoyable. How should they do that? By listening to player feed back.
Thanks, and lets not start a flame war.
World- Mabon
Sopdu- 180 rogue-ranting
CelticsHero- 144 warrior-ranting
"Real leadership is leaders recognizing that they serve the people that they lead."
"no matter what we breed, we still are made of greed. This is my kingdom, come."

Re: Open beta lux

^ they do read feedback. also otm has other stuff on the plate then to focus on what ever ur needs are. theres a whole group of players that they have responded to.
U must be new round here :?
World- Mabon
Sopdu- 180 rogue-ranting
CelticsHero- 144 warrior-ranting
"Real leadership is leaders recognizing that they serve the people that they lead."
"no matter what we breed, we still are made of greed. This is my kingdom, come."

Re: Open beta lux

look at it realistically tho the items from spring event value so much higher than the items of this event. the pricing is unfair just because its a 150req ammy from the event lux shop does not justify it being worth 1.5mil its absurd. spring event ammy gave you 150point of stat and 150 points of another, new event ammy gives you like 185 or something of a single stat. how the hell are the two amulets balanced? oh and if the argument is well the special skills they give balance than no they dont. I hope Otm starts balancing out their lux because this has happened before and is ridiculous.
king181 - 187
Proud Member of ASCENSION

Re: Open beta lux

I just saw a video of the lux from the next event and its nowhere as good as the stuff from this event, the prices are still ridiculous. I guess otm assumes people will pay massive amounts of gold and plat for crap. I imagine most people will get a lot of leveling done this next event, no need to focus on lux for the next few months.
Black Company of Taranis

Mercenaries don't care about sides or politics, they care about getting paid.

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