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Re: EDL boss timers

-1 Edl isn't very hard to get as is and Its best armor besides dg well depending on use it can be better than dg so i think it should stay as is
Yup, edl armor so easy to get that you can get it solo if you multilog, weapons on the other hand are imo in a good spot considering they are one of the best in the game.
One thing VA could do it’s maybe buff 4*s lexicon droprate.

This is true for armour but not for weapons in my world where there is a monopoly clan (over prot and gele) with a lot more active members and can often send 3-4 full dgs to 210 and 215, due to these two having the largest timers the number of 4 stars that show can be highly frustrating and the 1-2 at best Unox’s that arrive are often lost. Would be glad to learn if this is different in another world with a very active monopoly clan with a 20-30k rating point increase over all other clans but I’d assume it will be the same case as ours in those worlds
On fingal it's essentially the same atm but a few of us plan to give cows another run for their money(not specifically to spite them just cuz we got hungry for some bosses too lol)

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