Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: OTM Gets Bashed a LOT; Instead, a Thank You

The fact that we have this game to return to every day is enough for me to be thankful. Sure it seems quality of life could be greatly improved, but i rest easy knowing the game is always getting worked on and we have come so far from years ago and I am happy to continue on the journey with OTM. Whether that be through crafting, cooking, new areas,events, or simple bug fixes. The game will continue to progress with some possible set backs.. but a roller coaster wouldn't be fun without ups and downs amirite?
"Real G's move in silence like lasagna"-GOAT

Re: OTM Gets Bashed a LOT; Instead, a Thank You

This has needed saying for a few months now...

Many here are constantly bashing OTM's work and developments. Many say they are quitting, that everyone else is quitting, that OTM is ruining the game... left and right, complaints, trashing, and flawed logic abound.

Here are some facts:

1. For YEARS we asked for an Auction House. YEARS! Since 2012 or so, there have been countless threads, petitions, efforts to make 3rd party auction houses. I rejoice in this addition, at last.

2. For YEARS we asked for cross platform, for players to play CH on almost any smartphone. The work gone into this alone must have been staggering, but at last it has arrived! I rejoice in this addition.

3. For YEARS we asked for more horizontal content, for the linear path of Celtic Noob to Celtic Leveler to Celtic Camper had stretched too far. Since then, we have seen fishing, bounties, a multitude of new quests and questlines, items and bosses, areas redone from 2012, the game has exploded horizontally, with more on the horizon. To this, at last, I rejoice.

I am thankful that OTM has taken a break from events to focus on improving the quality of CH; to focus the art team on permenant content, assets to expand the world and break off from the simple progression of the past; to focus the design and development teams on functions and features we have asked for many times before. All this, while under constant barrage from players.

At last, the game is developing in ways the playerbase has desired for years.

OTM, keep up the amazing work.
1. It's not amazing work. Taking that long to bring areas out is bad
2. The only reason we all play this game is that it is so god damn good compared to other games, even if the devs may be slightly slower

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