Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Official Server Transfer

Will this ever happen? I've seen admin posts from 2011 saying they're working on it. Some players have spent years and tons of plat on servers just to watch them die and never get to touch EG. This is a reason alot of players quit the game. Why is there still no confirmation on official transfer? Seems almost every other MMORPG I've seen already has implemented this feature.
There's no guarantee a server transfer will enable players seeking endgame play to get it on a new server. There has to be a major reason why someone doesn't make it, and most of the time it's not server specific.
I 100% whole heartedly with a passion disagree.
Forgot to +1 the OP.
DR Derp of Donn

Re: Official Server Transfer

By just allowing to transfer a toon with its no trade items and sigils, forbidding any tradable items or gold to be transferred, the economy can't be impacted. Most of these problems can be easily overcome by minor tweaks, so I really don't see why it isn't being implemented especially when tons of other successful MMORPGs have.
But it really isn't that straight forward.
Would it be acceptable to allow lvl 200+ toons to transfer to Nuada, even now never mind in the first few days, irrespective of whether they took tradable items and gold. Would it be fair to the small handful of players who have now made it that far of a whole raft of toons arrived fully geared in non trade quest gear.
Conversely, would it be right to transfer to a server of similar standing, where there are comparable numbers of EG players and therefore comparable economies, only to lose all your hard earned, and possibly paid for in bought plat, lux items and gold. When bringing over such items wouldn't impact the server you transfer to. I remember all these arguments bouncing around before Verant / Sony allowed transfers on Everquest and first proposed the idea and they are still relevant today with CH.
clanless in a clan filled world
- and happy to be so

Re: Official Server Transfer

IMO yes this should work but a server only gains the ability to transfer after their server has defeated the current eg boss, gele for now. That way nobody can go to Nuada until they can already handle 100% of the games content.
Again, a simplistic view. What about someone with a standard, untwinked lvl 100 toon, nothing fancy, no great amount of gold, who wants to transfer and can see dozens or more toons on the new server at the same level and higher.
I'm not posting to be awkward, just trying to make people aware that without serious thought server transfers could give a large number of people yet another stick to try and beat OTM with.
Ultimately, no players should be able to gain an unfair advantage by a transfer, but when trying to mitigate any unfair advantage a player should not then also be unfairly penalised by the transfer or be unfairly disallowed to transfer.
I realise that the vast majority of transfers would not cause players any issues, but there are a reasonable number of 'what ifs' to mean a straight forward transfer policy would give enough people valid reason to give OTM more grief.
clanless in a clan filled world
- and happy to be so

Re: Official Server Transfer

There should be some form of server transfer mechanism, but care needs to be given as to how it's done. It can be easy to upset the balance of a server, if toons are able to freely transfer as is. A strong clan on a strong server may not be the most dominate, but could be considered strong enough to dominate a weaker or younger server. If the whole clan transferred to the weaker server, I'm sure everyone on that server would be in uproar. Also economics of servers need to be considered. Abundant items on one server may be relatively rare on another and so be priced a lot higher. This could allow people from other servers to bring such items and completely change the economy of that server. I'm sure Nuada would be in uproar if end game players and clans had the ability to transfer across, bringing with them masses of end game boss drops and such like.
What seems like a simple request actually can be a bit of a minefield and could potentially cause lots of friction.
A couple dozen pieces of rare fashion isn't going to cause some shift in server economies. Now if you had an abundance of plat buyers move from one server to another, that would be different.
he didn't say fashion, he probably meant rare loot and gear.
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- my middle name is Celeste, so Souleste seems fitting...
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Re: Official Server Transfer

IMO yes this should work but a server only gains the ability to transfer after their server has defeated the current eg boss, gele for now. That way nobody can go to Nuada until they can already handle 100% of the games content.
Again, a simplistic view. What about someone with a standard, untwinked lvl 100 toon, nothing fancy, no great amount of gold, who wants to transfer and can see dozens or more toons on the new server at the same level and higher.
I'm not posting to be awkward, just trying to make people aware that without serious thought server transfers could give a large number of people yet another stick to try and beat OTM with.
Ultimately, no players should be able to gain an unfair advantage by a transfer, but when trying to mitigate any unfair advantage a player should not then also be unfairly penalised by the transfer or be unfairly disallowed to transfer.
I realise that the vast majority of transfers would not cause players any issues, but there are a reasonable number of 'what ifs' to mean a straight forward transfer policy would give enough people valid reason to give OTM more grief.
Not sure how this has anything to do with my post. A level 100 can xfer to another server after the server he is on has killed gelebron.

Re: Official Server Transfer

So may issues come up with server transfers, OTM is better off not doing it. But then again, that's the same thing we said about legacy items and fashion.

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Re: Official Server Transfer

Not sure how this has anything to do with my post. A level 100 can xfer to another server after the server he is on has killed gelebron.
I assumed you meant the other way round. You can't transfer to a server unless players on the server you transfer to have killed gelebron. To stop players transferring who are more powerful than the natural level of the server currently.
Not sure what it would achieve they way you're suggesting.
clanless in a clan filled world
- and happy to be so

Re: Official Server Transfer

Not sure how this has anything to do with my post. A level 100 can xfer to another server after the server he is on has killed gelebron.
I assumed you meant the other way round. You can't transfer to a server unless players on the server you transfer to have killed gelebron. To stop players transferring who are more powerful than the natural level of the server currently.
Not sure what it would achieve they way you're suggesting.
I meant it both ways around.
Nobody can xfer to or from Nuada atm because hey can't kill gelebron. After gelebron is down people can go to and from Nuada at ease.

Now let's look at the corrupted gardens boss. I'll just assume it's named the arbiter for arguements sake.

If arawn kills the arbiter first, still no server can xfer. But if gwydion kills the arbiter next, these two servers can xfer freely between eachother. So on and so on for more bosses being added.

Re: Official Server Transfer

Not sure how this has anything to do with my post. A level 100 can xfer to another server after the server he is on has killed gelebron.
I assumed you meant the other way round. You can't transfer to a server unless players on the server you transfer to have killed gelebron. To stop players transferring who are more powerful than the natural level of the server currently.
Not sure what it would achieve they way you're suggesting.
I meant it both ways around.
Nobody can xfer to or from Nuada atm because hey can't kill gelebron. After gelebron is down people can go to and from Nuada at ease.

Now let's look at the corrupted gardens boss. I'll just assume it's named the arbiter for arguements sake.

If arawn kills the arbiter first, still no server can xfer. But if gwydion kills the arbiter next, these two servers can xfer freely between eachother. So on and so on for more bosses being added.
This now underlines my previous point. By this rule, your saying currently a lvl 100 toon, untwinked, nothing special cannot transfer to Nuada. In this case there is no reason not to allow a transfer. No-one gains an advantage. By stopping players more powerful than Nuadas current lvl, this rule will also stop ordinary players from transferring for no real reason.

By stopping players getting an advantage you don't want to stop legitimate transfers too.

Honestly, I don't know what the solution is, I just know it's more complex than people first realise. As Aileron pointed out there are many issues.
clanless in a clan filled world
- and happy to be so

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