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Re: Revival Chests - A Veteran Players Unpopular Opinion

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 6:58 pm
by Mutation
Removing the chests was a bad idea and OTM shouldn't cave in to their greedy hoardish players this game is for everyone including the ones that haven't played it yet.

And this transcends to quest drops as well such as DL and raid drops. This is how all the dominant people are they just want it all for themselves. And if they don't get it their way they CRY. This entitlement needs to end. Who's game is it? The crybabies game or OTM's game?
Before this reset I naught red lanrik body and legs for 250k each and yesterday after the reset people were buying red lanrik for 25k each like how is that fair????

Re: Revival Chests - A Veteran Players Unpopular Opinion

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 7:00 pm
by GrooviestofGus
More damage has been done by a few loud-mouthed "loyal players" on here over the years than an army of noobs could ever accomplish.

News Flash, OTM- you're listening to the wrong veterans

Re: Revival Chests - A Veteran Players Unpopular Opinion

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 7:00 pm
by Jumanji
Removing the chests was a bad idea and OTM shouldn't cave in to their greedy hoardish players this game is for everyone including the ones that haven't played it yet.

And this transcends to quest drops as well such as DL and raid drops. This is how all the dominant people are they just want it all for themselves. And if they don't get it their way they CRY. This entitlement needs to end. Who's game is it? The crybabies game or OTM's game?
Before this reset I naught red lanrik body and legs for 250k each and yesterday after the reset people were buying red lanrik for 25k each like how is that fair????
Fashion is SUBJECTIVELY Priced. Prices fluctuate based on the market. There are always unforeseen circumstances that involve risk. hence why All fashion vendors for ZIP Bc it's not required for gameplay it's for vanity.

Re: Revival Chests - A Veteran Players Unpopular Opinion

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 7:01 pm
by Jumanji
More damage has been done by a few loud-mouthed "loyal players" on here over the years than an army of noobs could ever accomplish.

News Flash, OTM- you're listening to the wrong veterans

Re: Revival Chests - A Veteran Players Unpopular Opinion

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 7:03 pm
by Avant Guarde
Everything old can be made new again. Including democracy

Re: Revival Chests - A Veteran Players Unpopular Opinion

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 7:10 pm
by Zkills
More damage has been done by a few loud-mouthed "loyal players" on here over the years than an army of noobs could ever accomplish.

News Flash, OTM- you're listening to the wrong veterans
There's two types of veteran players. Those who want to be the best of the best and think they should be better than everyone else, and then those who just play the game to have fun such as myself...

Which one are you?

Re: Revival Chests - A Veteran Players Unpopular Opinion

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 9:23 pm
by sunn
corrupt vets who stopped playing long ago rule now 4 real - richbtch

Re: Revival Chests - A Veteran Players Unpopular Opinion

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 10:44 pm
by Zyz
Well we're all either complaining about the chests returning or complaining that the chests got taken away or complaining about the complaining or complaining how unfair it is that their toon can't have old fashion. Guess we're all a bunch of complainers in one way or the other.

Re: Revival Chests - A Veteran Players Unpopular Opinion

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 11:33 pm
by derp
Removing the chests was a bad idea and OTM shouldn't cave in to their greedy hoardish players this game is for everyone including the ones that haven't played it yet.

And this transcends to quest drops as well such as DL and raid drops. This is how all the dominant people are they just want it all for themselves. And if they don't get it their way they CRY. This entitlement needs to end. Who's game is it? The crybabies game or OTM's game?
But but but... they are Otms most "loyal customers" and will quit if they don't get their way lol
Why would they buy platinum when you could create an auction house alt and sell drops to buy elixers? It is very simple. Most who are against these new chests have a really good pyramid scheme going on and do not want to lose it.

Re: Revival Chests - A Veteran Players Unpopular Opinion

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 11:42 pm
by Regenleif
I agree -- revival chests greatly boosted OTM and Taranis, the excitement (and the drop rates were crap BTW) caused a far-too-brief influx of plat items to the economy. Taking them away was a bad choice, despite the dragoncrap claims of "long-term plat buyers quitting because of these chests".

Alt books currently go for 10k each... Usually 4k.
You can sell super combos for 15k... Usually 8k.
I sold heroic energy elixirs for 2k each the other day... Usually 500g, 1k in drought.
Hastes are going for 6k... Usually 3k.

Instead of listening to the general community, listen to your onsite economist -- Returning chests would be a brief loss of face for OTM, but really nothing scarring, and most servers do really need the plat.