Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: New closed beta only for ios?

Only on iOS due to the higher pool of high level players on iOS :) Gelebron is a tough challenge :lol:
You can boost Android players toons to needed lvl for the fight. And closed beta is always only for IOS. What was the reason for Beltane closed beta to be on IOS only?
It is just easier for us to test on iOS where there is already a player base, rather than us having to boost characters individually (takes lots of work) we can have a set of beta testers all with levels and skill points they set themselves :)

Re: New closed beta only for ios?

They are not able to run a closed beta for android as there are no easily available beta testing platforms.
The only way they can do any beta at all for android is to upload a beta app to the play store, and anybody can download it.
Sure, anyone can download it. But all they have to do to make it a closed beta is not to allow guests and only allow certain logins and viola. Closed beta.

But the reason makes sense. Better to test with a already large endgame base than a smaller endgame base in android. Even if they boosted the levels, the boosted people would not be able to see the balance of the boss.
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