Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Why is there such a large player class discrepancy?

Ppl have said it before its not uncommon that the support healing class in any mmorpg game usually have the less amount of players. The simple fact is many dont want to be stuck healing ppl which is the main role of a druid so when they choose a class they dont pick a druid they pik something else. When higher lvl clans realize they need druids most make alts as still many new players dont want to be support healers. Since many druids at higher lvls are mostly alts of other higher lvls these characters are only lvled to a needed lvl instead of aiming for 190. This is the simple fact of any support class in mmorpg games most players dont want to be support characters so they pick something that sounds fun.

Re: Why is there such a large player class discrepancy?

Druids are difficult to level, because most likely you wont have the DPS that rogues do. And also, when people first start the game, they dont know what the hell a druid is. So they choose warrior or ranger or rogue because they can assume what those classes mean. We need a class description next to the classes when you first start the game.
World: Gwydion

Wiffle- LVL 152+ -Rogue

Started playing on May 3rd, 2012.

Re: Why is there such a large player class discrepancy?

A good solution i think would be to do two things:
-first increase druid armour by 20% (this would also work for mages);
-then give druids two skills, one that when a skill point is added attack spell dmg is increased by 25% and all support spell effectiveness is cut in half (one skill point max) and another skill that does the opposite effects (only one skill could be used at a time). This would give druid the option to specialize in either dps or support, just as mages can, but it would also give them the option to do a 'hybrid' sort of build without overpowing them.
There are many other games that give healing classes the chance to be DPS as well (for example holy vs shadow priests in WoW). The difference in this game is that CH doesn't use talent trees. This gives druids the chance to heal and DPS at the same time, which is the source of people saying that they would be OP. The game engine at this time does not support talent trees, but the idea above would let OTM approximate that affect.

Another thing that should be done, in my opinion, to make druids a better class is to link certain skills to stats other than focus. For example: make lightning strike linked to strength and drop the energy usage significantly. The concept is to make DPS skills linked to one stat, and support/healing skills linked to another stat. That way druids would need to make a choice between being dps or healers, and it would bring more balance to the class allowing skills to be improved without the fear of making druids OP.

Please do not even consider making druid dps spells rely on str. It makes no sense and will destroy the druid class. There are not enough str items out there that a druid can equip. This would be a death knell for druids.

The current issue is that there are not a lot of high level druids. Making druids spilt their stats between str and foc in no way helps to solve this issue. This would make hybrid builds impossible thereby making druids an even less desired class.
Last edited by Pikel on Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
188 Druid
Rapture Eve

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http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... =4&t=22212

Re: Why is there such a large player class discrepancy?

+1 i use to love druids and being suport but was boring when a ranger just bolas'ed and reason i quit was cus of patch making druids hardest class to play cus takes a but load of regen and healing puts us in combat was the worst thing ever personaly i think OTM cares more about money than the people that play this game id rather buy plat to suport the game than buy it cus they nerf every class and its the only way to sucssed in game
By nerfing us druids and raiseing energy costs makes people buy plat for restos idols cus there isnt enuff druids to keep tanks alive while a boss hits em 2k-4k damage a hit (random numbers dont know how much they hit for real) soon a tank will be there to hold agro tell ranger bolas and thats it (which is why most warriors are hybrid) just saying OTM no offence but ur going down the wrong path many people will leave the game when it becomes pay to win as in have to buy plat to do anything
Atm only thing keeping people playing is that they buy wat plat items they need from others
Sorry got off topic but OTM is def scared of druids cus they think we will take away there money but its not like theres 1000 of us above lvl 120 so why nerf us people still buy plat cus druids arnt always around and need to survive
Going off topic for a sec)OTM says bosses r supost to be hard well why do u have to have a ranger bolas or use plat to kill a boss why cant a druid heal to keep tanks alive because they want ur money its a f2p (free 2 play) game but is it really with the lack of druids to heal becuse of the major sigs or enrgy regen it takes to be an alright healer and atm its hard to be an amazing heal cuz who knows wat it would take to get people to use tanks with druids healing em makes people have to buy plat

Well not much more to say

Zrutegw2 out

P.S. This post was writen on a phone that has a flip phone keyboard

And to OTM i love this game and in no way meant to offend u guys just giveing my 2 cents in

Re: Why is there such a large player class discrepancy?

Yea it really is about the ability of a druid to solo level it seems.

Its more of a problem with the game than the druid class. Leveling has a direct relationship with kill speed so its extremely easier to level a DPS class if you have the plat to do so.

A possible solution would be to add groups of mobs who were only susceptible to one type of damage. For example, adding mobs who had huge resistance to every type of damage except magic damage, and almost no resistance to Magic. This would make only druids able to successfully kill these mobs quickly. Their xp drops could also be increased to close the discrepancy of XP/lix for classes trying to solo. In the end, every class should obviously play different and bring different elements to combat, but all 5 should have as close to the same potential for xp when solo leveling.

It would just involve expanding the game and having diverse leveling areas to suit each class. Something that can be looked into for future updates.

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