Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Need feedback

Ok so I have 2 Ideas for the game.
Here's the first one:

Every 24hours you get a chance to play a game called "the gods caskets." upon arriving at Celtic heroes you are asked if you would like to play the gods caskets. If you click the "Not now" button the game will load straight up. If you click yes the screen will come up a bit like this; you are faced with 12 caskets ((4x3) on the screen in a rectangle.) At the start the caskets are opened and show you  things that are inside them. These things can be exp,pots or other items from plat store, gold or various different items(of any class and in rare cases pieces of armour that are not class restricted!) At the top of the page you then click play now. The caskets then move around after being closed. They continue to wriggle around on the screen for about 7secs. After this is done you pick a casket and it opens revealing what it contains. Then you press claim item and then click the x in the corner and play the game as usual.

Ok heres my second idea:
This will be instead of my first post and a lot simpler. Without all the nonsense of the caskets you are just presented with a daily prize, which contains anything in the first post. It would be a lot quicker and more of a surprise. You also will not be able to pick what you get.

Please get back to me on my ideas as I think they may actually work.

It could be a new fun addition to the game.
Sorry for any spelling errors I might make:)

Re: Need feedback

I think that u should have to earn everything u get not just have them handed to u

Zrute lvl 51 warrior
Zhealer lvl 17 Druid
Clan nemesis
World mabon

I support.
Zagic lvl 185 mage
Zhealer lvl 100 druid
Zrute lvl 94 warrior
Zologolas lvl 82 ranger
Zhief lvl 57 rouge
clan Wolfgang
world mabon

Re: Need feedback

How about not asking for handouts?
The game is based around a micro-payment system. You get to play a pretty great game for FREE, and if you want EXTRAS, you have to pay a very small amount.
That's how the system works. Would you rather they charge you a monthly fee, but let you buy the currently "premium" items in normal shops? No? I didn't think so...
By giving away the premium items or platinum, the developers lose money. Less money means less funding towards the games development, less development means less/no updates, less/no updates causes players to leave, less players means even less money, which all ends with no more game.
The premium items are what keeps you from being stuck paying a monthly fee.
Rogue: Aisha
Druid: Melfina
I will never reveal the Wu-Tang secret...

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