Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Celtic Heroes 2022

Beginning the game the right way DECA GAMES-

EVERY WEEKEND: Double XP & Double platinum sale.

MID WEEK: 2x Boss spawn time

FRIDAY FUNDAY: Double Bounty tasks for the day

If you can have this in place consistently it’s going to give reason to the game. Beginning the year with these 3 things is going to give so many people a reason to login, spend spend money, spend time, meet new players and support the life and activity of the game and it’s servers. The weekend one especially.

It’s just these little pieces to the game being an MMORPG it needs reason. I’m happy to coin out my money on a weekend and have a game night with my online friends, this would be a game changer. I personally would spend a bit more on the game if the weekends were double packs. Would you?

Kuda- 210 rogue Balor :)
Kuda Matata 137 Ranger and grinding! :)

Re: Celtic Heroes 2022

NOTE: everyone keep in mind it’s Monday for me yet Sunday for them. By tomorrow we should expect to have some sort of announcement about what’s going on with the servers. Don’t freak out about the games current state it’s not staying this way. So before you judges DECA, and before you say it’s not worth these changes as such, just remember, DECA are new to us and the game we love and they are working tirelessly to stop the servers being attacked so they can move onto bigger and better plans for Celtic Heroes :)

Re: Celtic Heroes 2022

Beginning the game the right way DECA GAMES-

EVERY WEEKEND: Double XP & Double platinum sale.

MID WEEK: 2x Boss spawn time

FRIDAY FUNDAY: Double Bounty tasks for the day

If you can have this in place consistently it’s going to give reason to the game. Beginning the year with these 3 things is going to give so many people a reason to login, spend spend money, spend time, meet new players and support the life and activity of the game and it’s servers. The weekend one especially.

It’s just these little pieces to the game being an MMORPG it needs reason. I’m happy to coin out my money on a weekend and have a game night with my online friends, this would be a game changer. I personally would spend a bit more on the game if the weekends were double packs. Would you?

Kuda- 210 rogue Balor :)
Kuda Matata 137 Ranger and grinding! :)
Genius, plus it’s a proven model. Double xp, extra resource for paywall weekends and boss run events during the week is something that many other mmorpg have done successfully for years.
World - Gwydion - semi retired in 2020
- restarted in 2022 on Herne - 220 (rogue)

Searching for the next adventure.

Re: Celtic Heroes 2022

Beginning the game the right way DECA GAMES-

EVERY WEEKEND: Double XP & Double platinum sale.

MID WEEK: 2x Boss spawn time

FRIDAY FUNDAY: Double Bounty tasks for the day

If you can have this in place consistently it’s going to give reason to the game. Beginning the year with these 3 things is going to give so many people a reason to login, spend spend money, spend time, meet new players and support the life and activity of the game and it’s servers. The weekend one especially.

It’s just these little pieces to the game being an MMORPG it needs reason. I’m happy to coin out my money on a weekend and have a game night with my online friends, this would be a game changer. I personally would spend a bit more on the game if the weekends were double packs. Would you?

Kuda- 210 rogue Balor :)
Kuda Matata 137 Ranger and grinding! :)
Love these ideas, would be nice to see it as a permanent part of the game!
AllDatJazz, 234 Druid ~ Chieftain of Pegasus ~ Lugh

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