I understand that some people were going to be upset if it effected everyone, even those outside group. But lets take the idea you presented on beta sub forums back in the beta. Lets the druid set will give 500 hp per tick to ALL players in the range of 5 meters around the druid. This way druid can be grped with tank to heal him and at the same time he will be providing small but helpful healing to clan’s dps without the need of grouping. would really help dps on pretty all EG bosses especially at prot.I did mention during Beta the possibility of adding Aura or set effects to the jewellery but the decision not to go ahead with it was down to our systems not being able to differentiate between group members and non group members, rather than sloppiness.The ideas Drexxa had were overly complicated and sloppy. If set aura could be applied only to grouped players, and in some sensible way stacked then sure, it would have been great. But that wasn’t really the case so until a real tidy method for these ideas is found... they arent a good idea.
Hopefully in the future adding group only buffs to Auras is something that we can add to the game, it's just not possible with this update.
Now lets assume the same aura was added but only restricted to group players. What’s the point of that heal when rogues would rather have Nature’s Breath as it will for sure have more AoE healing (it should)
If you want to implement auras for groups only i think it should be something creative and helpful that it would be worth for a dps grp to have 7 dps and a druid. I can only see that happening if druid’s set give extra dmg/attack but that doesn’t sound right at all.
On the other hand, if you can somehow make it so CLAN members only can benefit from the aura, that would solve the whole problem, but I don’t know if that’s even possible.
But thanks for the response Dexxa. Gardens is a huge success. Just need to fix the lag
Thank you, Dexxa and OTM.