Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Community opinions

Hey all! Super noob, lvl 34 drood, here that doesn't even have game opinions yet.

Seems to me veteran players are rather annoyed with this game and I get that. As a gamer nerd I've been through plenty in the past couple years where the developers caused me to quit. This kind of information is good for a player like myself tho! I came to this forum because of servers being down and reading so much brought an understanding about it to my attention.

Here's the question, any point in an actual gamer playing this one? As in that "I gotta be part of the best" type player, not a casual. I don't care about lag, downtime, or even if things are being added long time players find dissatisfaction in. Good development teams work these kinks out. I know it will be a long time before I'm in these players shoes BUT I know myself as well. As I invest time and effort in a game money will soon follow. My enjoyment of such a game in the long run will most definitely put me right where current vets are currently complaining.

All previous games I've played really worked for players like myself. Even lured us in to spending thousands of $$. However big server issues, no tech support, and forum mods that are tired made them crash and burn. I kind of see the signs here as well.

So again, I ask this community, worth it for an actual gamer to get involved in this game? Concepts seem great and I'm excited to play a real healing class. There's millions of freemium games tho and I'd rather not invest myself in one that revolves around new players and does nothing for the old.

I understand negative comments are a bad thing around here but please allow players to state their opinions! Banning me or locking this thread will certainly lose a potential paying player (not to mention my strong word of mouth). I don't take in only the negative. Seeking the sight of as many players as possible!

Re: Community opinions

Hey all! Super noob, lvl 34 drood, here that doesn't even have game opinions yet.

Seems to me veteran players are rather annoyed with this game and I get that. As a gamer nerd I've been through plenty in the past couple years where the developers caused me to quit. This kind of information is good for a player like myself tho! I came to this forum because of servers being down and reading so much brought an understanding about it to my attention.

Here's the question, any point in an actual gamer playing this one? As in that "I gotta be part of the best" type player, not a casual. I don't care about lag, downtime, or even if things are being added long time players find dissatisfaction in. Good development teams work these kinks out. I know it will be a long time before I'm in these players shoes BUT I know myself as well. As I invest time and effort in a game money will soon follow. My enjoyment of such a game in the long run will most definitely put me right where current vets are currently complaining.

All previous games I've played really worked for players like myself. Even lured us in to spending thousands of $$. However big server issues, no tech support, and forum mods that are tired made them crash and burn. I kind of see the signs here as well.

So again, I ask this community, worth it for an actual gamer to get involved in this game? Concepts seem great and I'm excited to play a real healing class. There's millions of freemium games tho and I'd rather not invest myself in one that revolves around new players and does nothing for the old.

I understand negative comments are a bad thing around here but please allow players to state their opinions! Banning me or locking this thread will certainly lose a potential paying player (not to mention my strong word of mouth). I don't take in only the negative. Seeking the sight of as many players as possible!
Yes, it a game worth your time and investment...I've been playing this lovely game since 2011 on various servers and enjoy it very much. There are benefits to being an old player as well as a new one...I have old items from event quests that are sentimental, old mounts, unopened old event chests, etc...but most of all I have the community I have developed with my server over time. When you've been playing with people for years, you develop close friendships and those are worth sticking around for.

Currently I fill the role of a mentor in Arawn, like many other old players. We get to help the newer generation out as well as battle bosses with a diverse team.

I'm still excited whenever otm announces a new update, beta, or contest...Noob at heart :)

If you would like any advice or have questions, feel free to pm me here or on Arawn. :)
Liv Arronheln 215
Chieftain of DragonSouls
”One day, you will be old enough to start reading fairytales again.”

Re: Community opinions

Yes... this game is worth it lol. There are so many old players that still play because deep down we all love this game even if it can be frustrating at times, but frustration is bound to happen in any type of game.

I love how Otm doesn't push you to buy plat because a lot of other MMOs usually try their best to make you buy their premium items or currency and I hate it a ton. MMOs often only cater to the paying players leaving newer players stranded, but not this game as from what I have seen throughout the years, Otm cares about all of their player base and tries to do what's best for everybody. They also listen to their player base which again, most other MMOs don't really do.

Imo, the true downside of this game are the players themselves. Having to listen to drama everyday really ruins the fun for me. Sometimes people frustrate me more than the game itself. I've never really minded drop rates or camping bosses because it's all apart of the game and you just gotta learn how to deal with it and if you can't then maybe this game isn't for you. This is just my opinion tho and others may feel differently.
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

Can you do the impossible?
Celtic Heroes Ultimate Challenge

Re: Community opinions

It is worth playing for sure! Of course there will be always people complaining about the little things... and they show their complains on the forums that we don't even say the good things about this game. The lag or the log in issue is just a little thing which happens to every game and in what I have experienced is that OTM try to fix those problems as soon as possible.

The progress this game made since 2011 Is huge and very good (maybe some one can post a picture of 2011 and now) and there are so many new developments coming in the future! Overall its a game worth playing for sure!
Peuleschiltje - level 226 rogue - Chieftain of InnerCircle Rhiannon


Re: Community opinions

Yes the game is worth it even though there are bugs, lags and downed servers. I have been playing since 2013. Took a few breaks and tested other games. Allways came back to CH. I know it may sound strange but CH is like a second home. Here I have friends since years, we can laugh, feel joy after a lock fight or frustration (depending on the outcome). I know players who have been active since 2011. Many take breaks, sometimes short, sometimes long, but allmost all are sucked back by the CH magic.
Morrigan -
Neodym, ranger, Lvl 223,Morrigan Kojak, warrior, Lvl 221, Mabon
Tuula, rogue, Lvl 223, Morrigan Topnotch, ranger, Lvl 220, Mabon
Streiff,ranger, lvl 220, Epona


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