Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

It's time to drop the no sharing rule: an opinion piece

Let's discuss some facts.
  • Fact #1: OTM forbids sharing toons with other players.

    Fact #2: Fact #1 is very difficult to enforce.

    Fact #3: A high percentage of end-game players routinely share their toons with other players.

    Fact #4: End-game players are not going to report players guilty of Fact #3 because it would start an epic chain reaction of nuclear world war proportions, ultimately resulting in reducing every world to a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Those that survive the Great Purge would be forced to put up signs alerting other survivors to their whereabouts (think "Alive in Tucson").
Kril - Chief Editor, The Dal Riata Enquirer
lev 228 Rogue - Gwydion

Clan Relentless

Give a man a flame, you warm him for a day.
Set a man aflame, you warm him for the rest of his life.

Re: It's time to drop the no sharing rule: an opinion piece

In my opinion, the only thing keeping most worlds alive right now is people who are logging others characters as well as their own for bosses. So, drop the rule and keep these worlds alive. Keep the rule, and as soon as it gets enforced, we get a forums flame war as well as in-game chat war.
BloodMoon (White Frostbringer's Hat)

Avarina (Black Frostbringer’s Hat)
210 Druid

220 Fire Mage

Re: It's time to drop the no sharing rule: an opinion piece

Let's discuss some facts.
  • Fact #1: OTM forbids sharing toons with other players.

    Fact #2: Fact #1 is very difficult to enforce.

    Fact #3: A high percentage of end-game players routinely share their toons with other players.

    Fact #4: End-game players are not going to report players guilty of Fact #3 because it would start an epic chain reaction of nuclear world war proportions, ultimately resulting in reducing every world to a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Those that survive the Great Purge would be forced to put up signs alerting other survivors to their whereabouts (think "Alive in Tucson").
In my opinion, OTM should drop the No sharing rule. However, if this is done OTM should take ZERO responsibility for loss toons. Sharing will be the responsibility of you and those you give the account to. OTM should not and would not tolerate any support messages like "I gave my account to a friend and he scammed me", that is entirely your own responsibility. Just my opinion.
MAIN: SangsDruid 220+ | ALT: Manifestus 220+ | ALT: Sang3000 223+
CLASS: Druid | Warrior | Rogue
WORLD: Arawn | Sulis | Sulis

Re: It's time to drop the no sharing rule: an opinion piece

From what I understand is that OTM already doesn't take any responsibility for lost items or accounts because of trading. All they do is drop the ban hammer. I personally think the rule is pointless. Many if not all endgame players already do this. I haven't seen account sharing have any real negative affect on the game. People who complain about someone using someone else's character to there advantage are always gonna have something else to complain about. To rap it all up OTM, the rule is pointless and has no drastically negative affects on the game, if anything I think it's positive.
Wardon- 220 Warrior
Cryptic- 220 Rogue

Yeeticus- 220 Ranger

Re: It's time to drop the no sharing rule: an opinion piece

Rules aren't there for no reason and sometimes have deeper reasons than you think. In my opinion the rule wouldn't be there if the game had no black market. You have to bare in mind people pay real money for plat that stays on the account that it's bought on.

The reason i've come to this conclusion is that most MMO's allow account sharing or turn a complete blind eye to it but other MMO's, in pattern with black market currencies, do frown on it.
Elsroth - 220+ Mage - Clan Avalon

There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

Re: It's time to drop the no sharing rule: an opinion piece

I think it may be partly due to iTunes restrictions on the transferability of virtual currency. This is outlined in the developer agreement Apple keeps under a NDA, not even admitting the details to the public except in rare cases like where one was obtained from NASA through a freedom of information act request. Under that older document account sharing with any plat on it would appear to violate the terms, and selling accounts, items, or anything else for real money definitely breaks the terms. it's likely this hasn't changed. OTM probably has to at least look like they aren't complicit.

Secondly it's a bad idea to share, 90%+ of the major scams I've seen involve shared accounts. 90%+ of the bans I've seen occur when people shout across map after map that they bought it, not to mention many in game pm discussing it.

Suck it up and level several toons. It's not that hard, look at the number of people with 3+ end game toons just here on the forums. Unless you scam yourself you won't be scammed, you can't be banned for it, and if you buy extra devices you can always sell those or use them on another game, unlike in app purchases.

I've never shared a single account, even a lvl1 spy or bank and have 0 plans to ever share.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

Toon histogram:
# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|

Re: It's time to drop the no sharing rule: an opinion piece

I think it may be partly due to iTunes restrictions on the transferability of virtual currency. This is outlined in the developer agreement Apple keeps under a NDA, not even admitting the details to the public except in rare cases like where one was obtained from NASA through a freedom of information act request. Under that older document account sharing with any plat on it would appear to violate the terms, and selling accounts, items, or anything else for real money definitely breaks the terms. it's likely this hasn't changed. OTM probably has to at least look like they aren't complicit.
I agree that this is probably involved. However, I am suggesting lifting the ban on sharing accounts. The selling of accounts for real world money could still be banned, though it would remain impossible to enforce consistently.
Secondly it's a bad idea to share, 90%+ of the major scams I've seen involve shared accounts.
Toons are nonetheless shared very widely, and players assume any risks they take in doing so.
Whether or not sharing is a good idea is not directly relevant to whether or not it should be against the rules. Lending items to other players is likewise a risky practice, but it is not against the rules. Players are cautioned not to do so due to the risks, however.
Suck it up and level several toons. It's not that hard, look at the number of people with 3+ end game toons just here on the forums. Unless you scam yourself you won't be scammed, you can't be banned for it, and if you buy extra devices you can always sell those or use them on another game, unlike in app purchases.
This is sound advice. However, the reality is that toon sharing is a widespread practice, and will continue to be.

If the no-sharing rule is lifted, the risk of being banned simply for sharing will be removed (and OTM will no longer be burdened to enforce it). Other risks will remain, and individual players will remain responsible for these.
Kril - Chief Editor, The Dal Riata Enquirer
lev 228 Rogue - Gwydion

Clan Relentless

Give a man a flame, you warm him for a day.
Set a man aflame, you warm him for the rest of his life.

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