Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: So when is the cross platform update going to come about

No matter how many times you explain cross platform means what device you can log into a particular server and nothing else 2/3 of the posters don't even remotely understand.

No one changes worlds, no servers merge, nothing happens in game at all. The only difference is you can use an iPod to log into balor and an android phone to log into rosmerta.
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Re: So when is the cross platform update going to come about

I might be wrong, but I'm sure I saw somewhere that the new engine is made with Unity. This is the most frustrating to me: Unity is made to allow devs to build a game that is mostly compatible with all platforms WITH THE SAME CODE! I seriously don't understand why there would be different engine for iOS and Android when the only difference between the two is native stuff (underlying OpenGl, touch control, etc) and it would make no difference to the game even if those part slightly differ (the server doesn't even care about how you touch, it only cares about the signal generated) It would have been so easy to implement crossplatform gameplay if it was planned correctly at the beginning...
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