Celtic Heroes

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Aerial view of Necro battleground

Does someone have or know where I could find an aerial view of the Necro battle area? Since Necro spawns off the map I can't simply take a screenshot, however I have seen a user created map of the battlefield floating around somewhere a while back.

World - Sulis
Clan - Toxic

H3ROsRogue - lvl 220 rogue
H3ROsRanger - lvl 200 ranger
H3ROsMage - lvl 220 mage
H3ROsDruid - lvl 220 druid
H3ROsWarrior - lvl 200 warrior
H3ROsLocker - lvl 190 rogue

Can't imagine losing kills to a ranger in 2019.

Re: Aerial view of Necro battleground

Here's some i just took, sorry it's on dropbox but they are 1.1mb ish each and i didn't want to lower it. Dunno if this is what you were after :/

https://www.dropbox.com/s/mop7up10j51p1 ... 5.png?dl=0

https://www.dropbox.com/s/k3hicapj7r7t1 ... 7.png?dl=0

https://www.dropbox.com/s/k93r7ac7ggn73 ... 1.png?dl=0

https://www.dropbox.com/s/x8235a6gisrbp ... 4.png?dl=0
This will do. Thank you very much!
World - Sulis
Clan - Toxic

H3ROsRogue - lvl 220 rogue
H3ROsRanger - lvl 200 ranger
H3ROsMage - lvl 220 mage
H3ROsDruid - lvl 220 druid
H3ROsWarrior - lvl 200 warrior
H3ROsLocker - lvl 190 rogue

Can't imagine losing kills to a ranger in 2019.

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