Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Fishing+New Skills?

we got new skills, those fire skills, and the skill divine something that u use on the baby bears in sv.

not good skills, but we also didnt get fishing :/

tho tbh id rather have an auction house than grind away fishing on my phone for fish to sell
lvl 1+ Mage on Donn

Re: Fishing+New Skills?

Fish will be just like pies. Nifty for 48 hours of game play. Then we will realize they take longer to create than the benefits you get.

And if you die. Poof
Roguish Warrior, or Warrish Rogue
Rogue 194, Warrior 176, Druid 112, Ranger 111, Mage 100, Bank 71

Re: Fishing+New Skills?

Make armor out of them
Only if that armor gives the "Stink em all" skill. Repell all mobs in a 12 meter radius and adds "stink from hell" status effect that makes other mobs not wanna play dolls with the affected mobs.
Ranger lvl 215

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