Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Discussion: Merits of allowing buying/selling

So let's have an open discussion of petitioning OTM for buying/selling of gear and/or toons.

Worst first. Toons.

I'm all for buying/selling of toons. Mostly because at the point this game is at, allowing new players entering the game to be able to buy in to the game, avoiding the hours and hours of tedious entry level play to get to enjoy what there is to enjoy would be fantastic. Mostly because as it's been discussed, there's a lot of people put off by the effort to play this game. It's easily visible by the lack of new people, regardless of the actual cause. Allowing people to come in and buy a level 100 toon or 200 toon would create a marketplace for new players that are wealthier to be able to jump in and play. These same people will buy plat to continue the journey. They just don't want to spend 400 hours to get to the point of the game where it's fun.

2nds best. Gear.
Seriously, it's similar. If I have $500 invested in this game, and i need to make some money, why can't i sell my camo charm for $100? If someone wants it bad enough, let them have it. Of course, people could buy it for gold in game, but honestly, some people need the cash back that they've invested. Allowing them to pull it out and/or put it in to make these trades helps them play the game. I'm pretty sure there's a few people who if had been given the chance, would have sold a few pieces to get the cash they needed to make some bills, but never wanted to quit. Instead they sold out completely, or just quit playing due to the time constraints of a 2nd job.

I'm sure there's going to be alot of negatives about how it allows scammers to move around, etc. But honestly, they move around anyways. And most people know which toons have been bought or sold, so it's not surprising. I also think there's people out there that would like to cash out of their investment here. Doesn't cost OTM a dime, as if the toon is still alive, then it's benefitting the game. And toons playing use plat items, which means people have to buy. I also think, people could sell some items that they don't want to use, to buy plat. They could sell for gold, but there's less and less gold in the game. Go try and sell a full white lanrik set. Find that buyer with 2 million gold. But you might find someone crazy enough to pay $50. Which then lets you buy something else.

Honestly, toons are bought and sold every day. Allowing it would just make it legit. OTM could even figure out a tax or something to pay for it. Like switching email accounts costs 100 plat or something. Something that generates some revenue for OTM, while helping the player base survive. So many dead toons that could still be out there.

Anyways, thoguhts, ?
Roguish Warrior, or Warrish Rogue
Rogue 194, Warrior 176, Druid 112, Ranger 111, Mage 100, Bank 71

Re: Discussion: Merits of allowing buying/selling

The issue is that you dont own the toon or gear, otm do and "rent" it to you

Ios devs also sign an agreement with apple that disallows sale of in game product by customers
Hmmm.. I wonder how that works with Game of W then, they must just turn a blind eye to the whole ordeal. But it definitely makes the game more approachable for outsiders. YOu can essentially buy your way in.
Roguish Warrior, or Warrish Rogue
Rogue 194, Warrior 176, Druid 112, Ranger 111, Mage 100, Bank 71

Re: Discussion: Merits of allowing buying/selling

This won't help your point about players wanting to recoup their RL money spent by selling toons.

But once the Auction House comes why not allow Toons to be sold there. The "Accept" button on the sales screen causes that toon to be detached from the sellers account and attached to the buyers account. To avoid argument maybe no equipment could go with the toon (and avoid scams).

Alternately OTM could sell level 100 and level 150 toons in the shop. I know many (most ?) players would disapprove but as the OP says there are less new players and maybe this would help a bit. For myself I don't see the point because you would miss out on the beginning quest and be less attached to the toon but not everyone plays the game the same way.

Another way would be to sell a "Add 50 levels" Elix to the shop. Maybe hae a few types: under level 50 version; under level 100 version; under level 150 version.if the costs ranged from 1K to 4k Plat it would help OTM.

Not saying I like this idea but just exploring a possibie way to do it.
Landoril 221 Ranger
Denoril 170 Rogue
Hateril. Hat holder
Pageril...well you get the idea

Epona (The little server that could)

Re: Discussion: Merits of allowing buying/selling

So by selling toons with the account you would be breaking the rules of Apple. By selling the toon itself you would avoid that.....


Say, I gave my sister a level 50 account and said, "have fun!" She would use that char that she didn't design and then what would she do? Level it up? Try to get gold and armour? Okay.....

Would cause a disconnect with players and their characters. Noobs who barely know how to go to a ley would suddenly have skipped all that learning at the begining.

Also, this would loose money for otm if they sold with gold currency because many players could buy it without the need to buy plat. Also, buying levels with plat would also loose plat in the end because some players might actually use a lot of restos, xps, wisdoms, plat items in between that. Like for an example killing bosses and leveling. It would have to be VERY expensive to do that for a player.

Plus, as far as I know a game has never done that in history of gaming....

OTM doesn't implement more obvious things so they would never dream of implementing this.

As far the player side, plat buyers could suddenly all invade a server all at once when you think about it, from 150 just go on up, real fast. Flash flood. It would have players suddenly out matched by a kid with his parent's money who everyone hopes would of stayed level 30, little spammer brat in castle who does your momma insults. Also, you could do this with a druid and all the other druids who suffered and spent plat on sigils and xps and etc would suddenly see all their hard work useless.
200 Allymia Rogue
Clan - Underground - Guardian Rank - Home of the noob, Paulweller

"If you aren't sinning; you aren't having fun." ;) ~ Priest

Re: Discussion: Merits of allowing buying/selling


Plus, as far as I know a game has never done that in history of gaming....
In WoW you are able to spend $60USD and get a level 90 toon when the cap is 100.
181 Druid
166 Rouge

Veteran CH Player, playing since December 2011.
Proud owner of a white coven

Proud Member of Aeon
"Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet"
There is no sweet fruit for CH...

Re: Discussion: Merits of allowing buying/selling

paying a certain amount of plat to get classes to 150 would be cool, would change all clan dynamics tho as clans lvl reqs would become higher to avoid spies.
i like this idea but it would have to cost a certain amount of plat 500 - lvl 50
1.5k - 100
4k - 150
as im not a plat buyer this would not affect me in any way but it may revive the game which would be awesome to see
Oderint Dum Metuant.

Re: Discussion: Merits of allowing buying/selling

:lol: :lol: :lol: for real??? Would make the game rlly to easy to get high toons, and i ppl would be mad i guess, cuz they spend lot of time to get their toon that lvl.
Even with this option I'd rather start from scratch anyway as this would be terrible for abilities just an option for the lazy plat buyers who could revive the game but can't be assed to level up to endgame
Oderint Dum Metuant.

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