Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

General Discussion Frequently Asked Questions - Help Add to

Hello Everyone,

So we will be making a FAQ for the General Discussion, and need help populating it with useful questions! If you have any ideas please reply so I can add them to the list!

Current FAQ:

"When is the Update?"
You will know when there is an upcoming update when a thread done by an administrator (Red Username) announces so!

"How is my [insert class]?"
Please see your respective class forum and ask there! Or Private Message someone.

"Sorry I am new to the forums, where can I report a bug?"
Please report bugs in the Bug Reports section!

"I have this really cool idea for Celtic Heroes that will be a complete game-changer and make it the best app ever made. Where can I propose it?"
Feedback and Suggestions!

"Can someone on [insert server] please give me free weapons/armor? I really need it. Oh btw I am a [insert class]."
No one will give you free items.. Don't even ask.

"I am selling these items on [insert server]"
Please don't post that here.. Try your server board instead.

"What is the best server?"
There is no best server really. Make a level 1 toon on every server and have a chat with the people hanging out in Farcrag Castle. Also, take a look at each world's respective forum and get an idea of the politics and general atmosphere.

"When is Server Cross-Platforming coming out?"
OTM is never going to merge iOS and Android servers, however they have confirmed that they will be looking into cross-platform accessing meaning you can log into an ios server with your ios account from an android device or vice-versa.

"I have a device that is lagging and crashing, what can I do to optimize performance?"
Click Here for a nice guide on making your device run better.

"Can I sell/buy items for real-life currency?"
You may not sell in-game items or currency for “real” money, or exchange those items or currency for value outside of the game.

"What is the best class?"
There is no "best" class, and everyone will give you a different answer. You should try them all and see which playstyle fits you best.

"Why are platinum prices being raised?"
One Thumb Mobile has nothing to do with plat prices, Apple does. It’s a decision by Apple to raise their prices in response to the different values of currencies across the world.. and if you happen to live in a country where the price has risen, then you can either move or accept it! OTM has no control over that. OTM has not and will not change the value of plat, however Apple will.

"Where can I find the latest information regarding Celtic Heroes?"
Important information, restarts, competitions, events, and others of such are always posted on the Announcement section of the forums and website, and then on Twitter and Facebook.

"How will the Beta process work?"
The first phase of Beta will be a small group of around 50 testers to get an initial reaction and testing on two floors of the tower. Phase 2 we will expand to further players and open up the remaining floors. They will be reviewing applications and deciding who to invite. It won't be a first come first serve, but if they get less than 1,000 applications then they'll open it up to everyone that's applied in Phase 2.

"How do evasion abilities work?"
Click Here

"Are there any information sites or blogs out there?"
There sure are! Here are everyone's favorites:
Bitey's Blog
Voldemort's monthly magazines

"Why is account buying/selling/sharing against the rules?"

From the Terms of Service:
"You may not share your password, buy, sell, give or trade any account, nor attempt to buy, sell, give or trade any account. COMPANY owns, has licensed, or otherwise has rights to all of the content that appears in game. You agree that you have no right or title in or to any such content, including without limitation the virtual goods or currency appearing or originating in the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, or any other attributes associated with an account."

From Morgana (An OTM Employee):
"This is for a number of reasons, the main one to determine the owner of the account and for the account to be secure. If it's found that an account has been shared, your account will be suspended and on reactivation of the account (if granted), support will no longer be able to help if any issues are to arise on the account."

Is AFK (Away From Keyboard) farming against the rules? What is OTM's stance on farming?

'AFK' farming is allowed as long as it is you, and only you, are keeping the character active behind the screen.

Please be aware that using third-party software to perform automated tasks is against the rules as the 'AFK' timer is placed there for a purpose. These "bots" operate by automating user input to the game. A simple bot may just move the toon to a certain position and perform a click, while more advanced ones may interact with the game client directly.

Any evidence of any type of farming happening without player interaction may result in an account being disabled while the team look into the account further.

Is OTM planning on expanding Celtic Heroes to other platforms?

Celtic Heroes is strictly a mobile MMO. Nothing is planned at this time for more platforms as the team is busy working on the current ones.

Right now the game is strictly for Android and iOS, and there are no plans to advance to Nook, Window's Phone, or Kindle.

Is there a best type of elemental damage?

There is no 'best' type of damage. The only time damage type should be of a concern is when you are teamed up with a lure mage or not. If he is a fire mage, go with a fire offhand, if he is an ice mage, go for the ice offhand. Also, If you are fighting a monster that looks obviously like a Fire-Based monster (such as a fire-breathing dragon), you may not want to attack with with fire-based items.

Most monsters however have equal resistances.

What are the forum ranks?

0 - 49: Peasant
50 - 99: Commoner
100 - 299: Squire
300 - 499: Shieldbearer
500 - 799: Thane
800 - 1999: Chieftain
2000 - 4999: Warchief
5000 - ?: High Chieftain
Last edited by Regenleif on Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
World Taranis

- Regenleif -
Aedin Flameborn

Former Leader in theILLUMINATI, Aeon, and Taranis United

I am a Guide! If you need any tips/help/advice, Click Here to send me a message!

Re: General Discussion Frequently Asked Questions - Help Add

What is the best server?

There is no best server really. Make a level 1 toon on every server and have a chat with the people hanging out in Farcrag Castle. Also, take a look at each world's respective forum and get an idea of the politics and general atmosphere.

When is Server Cross-Platforming coming out?

OTM is never going to merge, however they have confirmed that they would be looking into cross-platform accessing meaning you can log into an ios server with your ios account from an android device and vice-versa.

I have a device that is lagging and crashing? What can I do to optimize performance?

Click here

Can I sell/buy items for real-life currency?
Most expensive class and type?

Everyone will give you their take on this. Here's mine.
Rangers are not a cheap class to play and rogues are not a more expensive class. Everything is subjective to the player and many variables come into play. However, if we strip everything down to basics:


Warrior wins hands down. His high armor and defense (i.e. defensive formation) will make him a resilient toon and idol and restoration pot usage will be at a minimum. No need to argue. Not to mention that warriors are an easy, versatile class that beginners almost always embrace.

Rogue vs. Ranger:

Lvls 1-120

A ranger will be cheaper and easier to play than a rogue due to:
  • ranged ability
  • dex based build with potent skills ***only at low levels***
  • loot availability
  • light heal
  • mob difficulty is just the right amount, meaning your autos will still be potent and you can heal without being interrupted so all around it's more fun and as easy to play as a rogue.
Lvls 120-200

Rogues gain the upper hand. This is where a dex build gives them more DPS, better survivability skills, a wider skill pool, well-suited gear all which permit them to keep idol and restoration pot usage at a relatively lower amount than rangers of the same level. Restoration pots may be used galore if the energy regeneration is weak but at least he can kill mobs and solo his way to success while rangers are left in the dust and only plat/money can save their butts.

Mage & Druid:

The most expensive classes all-round. At first they may be fun and inexpensive, but once you hit 120+, expect a load of restoration pot usage, idol usage and the need to invest in regeneration items, regeneration elixirs and sigils which are hard to come by and require plat or a ton of gold farming.


Mage=Druid > Ranger > Rogue > Warrior
That's all for now. I'll add more when I get home :)
Druid Guide - Role, Build, Stats and Gear
Rogue Guide - Role, Build, Stats and Gear
Dual-Device Guide - For The Hardcore Players
Dragonlord Armour Revamp - Compilation Thread

Re: General Discussion Frequently Asked Questions - Help Add

Why are platinum prices being raised?

OTM hasn't altered anything at their end. It’s a decision by Apple to raise their prices in response to market fluctuation in currencies across the world and if you happen to live in a country where the price has risen then OTM has no control over that.

Where can I find the latest information regarding Celtic Heroes?

Important Update information and Events information are always posted on the forums and website, and then on Twitter and Facebook as necessary.

Restarts 99% of the time get announced in Announcements here on the forums, or General. They also get mentioned on Twitter.

Competitions and Winners are mentioned in Competitions and Giveaways as well as on the website and on Facebook and Twitter.

Developer Diaries / Updates are mentioned on Twitter and Facebook, the full post is made on the forums under announcements but also on the website under News.

How will the Closed Beta process work out?

The first phase of Beta will probably be a small group, OTM still has not decided on final numbers, just to get initial reaction and testing on two floors of the tower. Phase 2 we will expand to further players and open up the remaining floors. They will be reviewing applications and deciding who to invite, it won't be a first come first serve, but if they get less than 1,000 applications then they'll open it up to everyone that's applied in Phase 2.

How do evasion abilities work?

For the sake of brevity, click here

Are there any information sites out there?

There sure are. Here's everyone's personal favorites:

Bitey's Website on all things CH
Voldemort's monthly magazines

I've got a great suggestion to improve the game. Where can I post my idea?

Feedback and Suggestions is the best place to get your idea seen. You might also want to post on the "Feedback and Suggestions Compilation List" as well as check if your idea has been mentioned before by using the search bar at the top right corner of your screen.
Druid Guide - Role, Build, Stats and Gear
Rogue Guide - Role, Build, Stats and Gear
Dual-Device Guide - For The Hardcore Players
Dragonlord Armour Revamp - Compilation Thread

Re: General Discussion Frequently Asked Questions - Help Add

Why is account sharing against the rules?
This is for a number of reasons, the main one to determine the owner of the account and for the account to be secure. If it's found that an account has been shared, your account will be suspended and on reactivation of the account (if granted), support will no longer be able to help if any issues are to arise on the account.
Druid Guide - Role, Build, Stats and Gear
Rogue Guide - Role, Build, Stats and Gear
Dual-Device Guide - For The Hardcore Players
Dragonlord Armour Revamp - Compilation Thread

Re: General Discussion Frequently Asked Questions - Help Add

Is AFK farming against the rules? What is OTM's stance on farming?

'AFK' farming is in conformity with the rules as long as it is you, and only you keeping the toon active behind the screen.

Please be aware that using third-party software to perform automated tasks is against the rules as the 'AFK' timer is placed there for a purpose. These "bots" operate by automating user input to the game. A simple bot may just move the toon to a certain position and perform a click, while more advanced ones may interact with the game client directly.

Any evidence of any type of farming happening without player interaction may result in an account being disabled while the team look into the account further.

Is OTM planning on expanding Celtic Heroes to other platforms?

Celtic Heroes is strictly a mobile MMO. Nothing is planned at this time for more platforms as the team is busy working on the current ones.

Is there a best type of elemental damage?

There is no 'best' type of damage. The only time damage type should be of a concern is when you are teamed up with a lure mage or not. If he is a fire mage, go with a fire offhand, if he is an ice mage, go for the ice offhand.

Apart from that, everything has practically the same resists so it doesn't matter.
Druid Guide - Role, Build, Stats and Gear
Rogue Guide - Role, Build, Stats and Gear
Dual-Device Guide - For The Hardcore Players
Dragonlord Armour Revamp - Compilation Thread

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