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Target lock Failed!!! LOCK-STOLEN new KS

Simple 2 level 187+ rogues and a 186 warr, Lock-Steals a group of 7 mixed levels on 165 king 5 star even though we started before they even started attacking. We also had more dps just not rogues. New Word Read this OTM. LOCK-STEALERS, ive already got Lock-stealed on 5 dragonlord bosses by rogues ALONE today they are just to easy to get lock, rogues lock even if lower level should be at a high percent like 35 instead of 25, its just not fair for other classes...
Chocosecret-Mage-level 190
YoureMine-Warrior-level 194
DPS Warrior King
Elite Mabon

Re: Target lock Failed!!! LOCK-STOLEN new KS

To have something stolen from you means you had to have that thing in your possession then have it taken from you. You didn't have the lock in your possession at all during any part of the fight. So no lock was stolen. You were simply out dpsed. (We started at the same time.) Also i would like to point out that you did the exact same thing to us on 180 5 star with your 3 man group. Only difference was that we stopped attacking after you got lock and you wiped thus erasing the lock you had.
RunAndSteal~ 220 Ranger~ Mabon
StabAndSteal~ 170 Rogue ~ Mabon

Re: Target lock Failed!!! LOCK-STOLEN new KS

You say you give my clan chances but you just follow me around and ks me or wait for me to die, If there wasent target lock I would have so many more kills. This is bs you know it and also im nt the only person being oppressed by a dominant clan that hogs everything and is scared to let the lower clans get better. You guys have so many aggs bracelets and gear why dont you lets us get a try? And not try to kill our tamers. Just tired of this world and people on other worlds are probibly tired too, make world transfer so people can come to mabon to crush this clan that has to bolas every boss since they dont let anyone in.
Chocosecret-Mage-level 190
YoureMine-Warrior-level 194
DPS Warrior King
Elite Mabon

Re: Target lock Failed!!! LOCK-STOLEN new KS

Actually it was against 2 rogues a ranger and a warrior and you all started at the same time, so it was a ffa til it locked...
No not really we all attacked and you all came and attacked 1 by 1. Just quit it you guys got enough stuff the game doesnt revolve around you or the dominant clan in the world. If you want competition then allow it.
Chocosecret-Mage-level 190
YoureMine-Warrior-level 194
DPS Warrior King
Elite Mabon

Re: Target lock Failed!!! LOCK-STOLEN new KS

Yall have no reason to kill or cry when yall got 10+ people with full dragonlord and get beat by the guy in full frozen half the time, yall just dont wana lose.
No reason to kill? We still have people that need dragon armor. We have recruited people recently incase you didnt know.
You say you give my clan chances but you just follow me around and ks me or wait for me to die
We personally make an effort to follow you around and ks you ;) (sarcasm if you didnt catch it)
make world transfer so people can come to mabon to crush this clan that has to bolas every boss since they dont let anyone in.
FYI, we tank everything up to 170 and 180. We have tanked 170 and 180 several times. Bolas saves money/plat. We dont like to waste money unlike you (we've watched you plat kill lavalord...). Call us what you like, we can take it. ;)
RunAndSteal~ 220 Ranger~ Mabon
StabAndSteal~ 170 Rogue ~ Mabon

Re: Target lock Failed!!! LOCK-STOLEN new KS

Yall have no reason to kill or cry when yall got 10+ people with full dragonlord and get beat by the guy in full frozen half the time, yall just dont wana lose.
9 total people with full dragon*. Getting close 10+. You exaggerate a bit much. Especially with this statement.
get beat by the guy in full frozen half the time, yall just dont wana lose.
Half the time is a bit of a stretch. Maybe 1/4 of the time at most. Definitely not half. And you are correct. We dont wanna lose. Who likes to lose?
RunAndSteal~ 220 Ranger~ Mabon
StabAndSteal~ 170 Rogue ~ Mabon

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