Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Introducing the new Forum Guides!

Ho ye! Heroes!

Introducing the new Forum Guides!

Have you walked the Highlands, your Celtic weapon in hand and gone off the beaten track? Have you time to share your knowledge with others?
Guides are knowledgeable players who seek to improve both the game and player experience. They are there to lend their knowledge to new players and guide where necessary. They are there to serve as a better means of communication between the player base and the admins/mods, highlighting the main issues that are arising both on forums and ingame. Guide use their experience’s in game and on the forums to enhance the game for new and old players alike!

If you believe that you might fit this role then please apply today by sending a PM to Community with the following information:

Character Name:
Character World:
Character Level: (min 100 of atleast one of your characters)
How long you've been a hero:

Why you would like to be considered for a Guide:

Note: This is not a moderator position, you won’t have to moderate posts!

Guide General details:

- Blue name to be recognisable on the forums

- A private forum strictly for Guides (and mods/admins)

- Higher acknowledgement from the OTM team regarding Celtic Heroes and any areas associated with it

- Rewards upon noticeable activity, and benefitting the community

Successful Guides shall be announced soon.

Terms of Service, Policies and Procedures: http://celtic-heroes.com/support/

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