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Re: Why the fights?

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 6:21 pm
by EllisRD
Normally it isn't my policy to post in these forums because, for the most part, the majority of those that do post here are complete idiots...just read their posts! That said, this forum thread has gone on too long and there are so many half truths being said. You can believe what I post or not, that is entirely up to you, but it is coming from someone who actually knows what has happened.

About the war...well, it isn't much of a war really, we shall call it the Necro Blockade if it needs a title at all. It is pointless to discuss how this all started because both sides are to blame. Yes, a Ret member or two messed with Jah but it is equally true that a Jah member or two messed with Ret. When running a large clan it is impossible to maintain 100% compliance to the rules 100% of the time. There will always be someone who does something stupid. A good leader needs to accept that, deal with it, and move on. When Jah decided to grief the Necromancer attempt that was a huge escalation and Retribution was fully justified to stop the FFA agreement that was in place. This caused lots of crap to happen, again neither side is innocent. Eventually, Bungle and I were able to begin a pathway to restoring order. Part of this agreement was that Jah would stop trying to grief us on Mordris. This lasted an entire three days when Bungle himself led the charge to try and unsuccesfully interfere at Mordris. Since then there have been no attempts at reaching peace and why should there be. Twice Jah has demonstrated that their word is meaningless and we aren't really interested in letting them do it a third time. If Jah wants the server to return to peace then their leadership will have to step up and prove that they mean it. Actions are what matter, talk is cheap.

About the dragonlord gear drops...Jah has an oddly twisted view on this matter. They seem to be under the delusion that our sole purpose for killing these bosses is to prevent them from getting gear. We kill them for the same reason that Jah does, we need the drops to gear our clans. Between Retribution and Transcendent we have a massive number of players coming up through the ranks and we need the drops. That is why we kill the DL bosses, it has nothing to do with Jah.

The same philosophy goes for Aggy, Hrung and Mordy. Yes, we do have a large number of useless items banked but those bosses still drop very highly in demand items that our players would like. We continue to kill these bosses for that reason only.

Jah can believe what they want after reading this, all I ask is that they stop with the rhetoric. They make post after post of how they want peace yet this has never been shown in game. Resets can no longer happen, perhaps it is time to move forward and play the game.

Chieftain of Retribution
Tbh Phule I tried desperately to reach peace with you. VERY DESPERATELY. Ofc you called me a *** and other things. And I dunnot recall one instance of a Jah member ever messing w Ret prior to the war. And even more so, you just admitted that your members did mess with us and you act like that is such a small thing! Its really funny tbh.

Now addressing your talk about your DL gear, I wonder how many alts Rets have fully geared with DL aura and weapons and offhands? And how much Gara gear do you have sitting in your bank? Jw.

And your last post about no peace. We have tried in many ways to get peace with you in a fair way, but, in the end, it is you talking about how Jah is under you and how we don't deserve equal as you. I have screenshots of our entire convo a while back if you would like to reread them?

King of Sulis
(Rob knows it is true) ;)

Re: Why the fights?

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 6:50 pm
by justsomeguy
Ellis, that was exactly the kind of post that I expected so thank you for demonstrating where the aggression lies.

I talked to you that time in an effort to educate you as to what had been going on since you seemed relatively sincere in wanting peace. Your proposal was completely unrealistic and there is no way it will ever happen.

I am not going to perpetuate the he said, she said argument about what has happened in the past but it is clear that you have no idea what has gone on nor who has done it. The past is the past and that is where it will stay, move on.

There is no Fort Knox of Garanak loots. Last time I heard, we had 1 set that we are holding for someone who is on a break. Other than that, we have a few scattered pieces but not many at all. They have been dispersed to the clan for use.

Are we not allowed to gear alts? Nothing magical happens when you get your character to 200, it just becomes boring so you make alternate characters. When that one gets high enough you make another. Jah members do exactly the same thing so it should be familiar to wait, you bought MrTuggs.

I made a very respectful post that accepted Retributions part in the conflict, its sad that Jah cannot do the same.

I will not reply to any more posts, there is nothing to be gained with mud slinging.

Re: Why the fights?

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:28 pm
by Robert
Phule, no one is saying that Jah never did anything. I'm sure there were one or two isolated incidents, however no where near the scale that our clan endured at the hands of your own. There is a difference between not wanting peace and not wanting to be a doormat. There is no reason why both clans can't have an adequate supply of gear given no conflict between us. Both clans using calm, skewer and roots is clearly going to affect the efficiency of both clans.

The player highlighted in this topic is one that you know of. There wasn't an isolated incident. It was an aggressive attacking of our clan at every opportunity. As previously said, I spoke to a general who told me how many times he has spoken to this player and how uncontrollable he is. We warned that if this continued we would not allow your clan to progress further and have more players revert to his ways. I've already sent you screen shots of this I believe, however there were other players in your clan griefing.

A reasonable proposition would be that both clans stop griefing the other until further agreements are arranged. However, I can 100% guarantee you we will not allow your clan to kill the Necromancer until your clan's oppression of Jah has stopped.

You guys can slander us all you want, the only one that is offering evidence is me. However I'm sure any proof offered would not sway your opinion in any way.

Re: Why the fights?

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:51 pm
by True pickle
Look both clans must have did something wrong ok. But geez all this is being said abt jah but tbh if retri and and got rid of the ks jah and kill them in arena whenever we see them peace may be made. I would like to see necro dead as well but i personally think necro will never be killed without retri doing there part to.
Firstly get rid of the kill and ks jah rule
Secondly ik you need hrungrir aggy etc but as do we and it would be good if we could take it in turns. This would just make things a little more fair. Now if you were to do and we were to do your part you wouldn't be losing any gear because we would let you kill necromancer! Therefore all those drops that you dont use anymore because replaced by necromancer drops could go to clannies! This would just make everything fair and would actually be a advantage in trans and jahs part!

Re: Why the fights?

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:56 pm
by justsomeguy
Lol, one or two isolated incidents?, make me laugh.

Eventually you will need to stop playing the victim and own up to your past.

I have been and always will be willing to discuss peace with an honourable leader of Jah, you just need to find one.

Phule out, not even dignifying this thread with any of my time.

Re: Why the fights?

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 1:25 am
by True pickle
And this is why the war is still happening. The arrogance of trans and retri strikes again!

Re: Why the fights?

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 1:27 am
by True pickle
Btw this may be the most viewed topic on sulis :D shows that people actually will be active if it has anything to do with war

Re: Why the fights?

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 2:07 am
by Robert
Lol, one or two isolated incidents?, make me laugh.
You guys can slander us all you want, the only one that is offering evidence is me. However I'm sure any proof offered would not sway your opinion in any way
Not really playing the victim, more like the bored, non obsessed targets of your clan's obsession.

So you didn't really respond to the idea of stopping griefing, just the part in which you could insult jah more. Your argument is so convincing.

Re: Why the fights?

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 6:56 am
by GameBandit
Robert jahs only response and objective is to hold necro until the clan gets what they want. It was a fair ffa until lock until some decided on griefing and are now insisting we play by terms like sharing a boss and 'maybe' they let ret kill necro.
I say if jah wanted a war they got one.

Re: Why the fights?

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 9:54 am
by True pickle
Well lets be honest bandit do you deserve necro? Trans have the kill and ks jah rule so why not start with taking that away? Then we do something to help. Then let us take it in turns for hrungrir, aggy etc and then u will gain by getting th necromancer! Everyones a winner you moron