Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Buying 190 Jewelry

Hi guys! I'm Anka in game, many of you probably never seen or heard of me, but that's whatever. I'll be hitting level 190 soon, so I'm hoping to find someone out there selling what I'm looking for.

Preferred Jewelry Items:
Trailblazer's Amulet of the Falcon* +
Trailblazer's Band of the Hawk** +
Trailblazer's Ring of the Falcon OR Raven

If I cannot complete a Trailblazer Jewelry set, I may look to buy a Shinestone Amulet +Ring of the Stalker.

If anyone is willing/wanting to sell the Jewelry pieces I need, the best way to contact me is through in-game mail, but I will be checking this post as well for any responses.

* I starred this item because finding an Amulet is one of my high priorities right now, and I would prefer to buy this piece before anything else
** note, I looked over what the bracelets do, and none of them impressed me that much but I want to buy it for the Trailblazer Aura. So, I would prefer to find Hawk, but any of the other Trailblazer Bands are fine by me.

Anyways, thank you for taking time to read this post!
I hope to meet and get to know more people in game.

May everyone have good luck on their Elixirs and drop many Raid Bosses!
Anka, a Ranger of Lugh
Guardian of Alliance & Proud wielder of a Void Celestial Bow

Alliance “A”-team
Lugh ☀

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