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Reconsider change of book of alt for mages

Hey all! I believe this is the best place to discuss about it.

We need to think, prepare, discuss and talk about a new strategy for non-zealous use of book of alt.

As some precepts and arguments, I list below the I and some friends argue:

- Mordris appears 2x -3x a week;
- We are also changing our builds for Necro 1x per week;
- After we left both the Battle of mordris or necro, we have to change back to lix or do something with dam build...
- Book of alt are not easy to find and buy, we have to spend plat or buy at least 3 book of alt a week and still have to use lix in battle, while several other classes only use lix.
- We need to push a button 190 times at least twice a week, which sucks.

In my humble opinion and do not know if it is possible, would opt to kill the priest twice as quickly as if it were a normal add.

I want opinions !!!!!
Last edited by Accio on Thu Aug 14, 2014 11:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
World: LUGH
Clan: Gen. of TheHobnobbers
Class: Mage
Name: Daw
Level: 191

be cool, I'm good people

Re: Reconsider change of book of alt for mages

We must prevent the priestess from healing Mordris, This was the big lesson learned from many attempts. It has been proven that freezing is very effective.
If we can prevent her from healing Mordris without freezing ... lets give it a shot.
No reskilling for mages
Extra DPS on Mordris

DPS off of Mordris and on priestess untill killed
If she is not contained she will heal Mordris and any Sent close.

I would recommend that if we have the adds group kill priestess upon respawn, that the mages help kill her too so the main dps stays on Mordris

Please let us know your thought LUGH!

Re: Reconsider change of book of alt for mages

For nordy its a hit and miss depending on numbers, killing outside timezone we would need to alt. but with out usual time we could definately kill priestess.
Lukov lvl 205 rogue
Lukov4 lvl 199 druid
Lukov2 lvl 63 warrior able to shield bash Aggy
Helpfullukov lvl 197 mage. Part three of the lukov combo
skywalker1 lvl 100 ranger
Expansion update 4 & destiny beta tester

Re: Reconsider change of book of alt for mages

I think we are strong enough now that killing priestess is option, but everyone needs to kill so it is fast. Worth a try at least.
Civility, Integrity, and the Hermeneutic of Generosity

World: Lugh
Akbar: Ranger 220+
DrXyn-Druid 180+
Xyn: Mage 170+
Rabka: Rogue 150+
Rabak: Warrior 90+
Clan: Chieftain of Ancients

Re: Reconsider change of book of alt for mages

I agree it is unfair to ask mages to alt for every Mordy kill. Who wants to press "Upgrade" "Ok" a bajilion times before and after the fight?

We have been killing Mordy before the priestess re-spawns anyway, so I think going without freeze should be fine. If we get a re-spawn, we can treat her the way we are supposed to treat the sents and everyone helps to kill. I say "supposed to" because I have noticed more and more people ignoring sents.

As long as we are willing to work as a team and kill re-spawns, we should be able to take Mordy down efficiently without freeze.

Clan: Ancients
RogerRanger 223
RogerDruid 160+
RogerRogue 160+
RogerWarrior 150+
RogerMage 110+

“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”
― Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Re: Reconsider change of book of alt for mages

I agree Roger. It is a sad fact that some things become routine or mundane, and complacency sets in. After furthe thought on the matter, I recommend that the adds, mage and second DPS group be assigned to the priestess repawn. This is consistant with other boss battle plans. Just my thoughts.
And thank you all mages for your civil discourse on this matter.

Re: Reconsider change of book of alt for mages

If any of you come to when we killed outside normal times, nearly everyone kills the sents, it seems like we actually want to kill mordy unlike during normal times when people expect others to kill them.
Lukov lvl 205 rogue
Lukov4 lvl 199 druid
Lukov2 lvl 63 warrior able to shield bash Aggy
Helpfullukov lvl 197 mage. Part three of the lukov combo
skywalker1 lvl 100 ranger
Expansion update 4 & destiny beta tester

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