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Late into Fight / AFK-Robot Mode / DM role

Following my repply in toy summary of dicing rules and in order to prevent all the poetic dramas of players arriving late into fights... we could imagine enlarging the DM role as also a judge ruling about players behaviours during a fights :

We choose one DM beforehand.

1 - Firtsly, this DM will be in charge to check lock, and check out players arrival times. His word is the law. Like in real life, where a judge can make mistake, the DM may make mistake but and players will have to stomach them and respect the DM voice.

2 - Moreover, the DM will also be in charge to identify the robots, the cheaters, the players bringing matching rec acc into fight without really using them just to get an opportunity of dicing or the players with only one acc but in robot-afkying mode left to toilet, to sleep or whatever during a boss fight.

Cheaters will be baned on their one or severall acc on the dicing by the DM. Once again, the DM ruling will be law, and if the DM makes a mistake then, bad luck for you, try to move better your ass into the next fight.

What is sure when I will be DM, any cheaters will be out, even one of my friends or clansmates.

I think only like that, judging at the moment of the fight, and solving problems during or just after the fights, we will spare our server furthermore poetic dramas posting on the forum.
SHADOWKRAR : Warrior 182 Full Glacial
S007 : Rogue 182 Full Glacial / Full Radiant
SHADOWSNIPPER : Ranger 72 Full Meteroric
World : Lugh
Clan : Chieftain of BERSERKERS clan

Re: Late into Fight / AFK-Robot Mode / DM role

+1 shadow.

I think a hard line on the matter will lead to more honesty overall. Punish a few and the rest will be less likely to try to cheat.

One thought i had was that people shout or pm DM upon arriving. If DM is established before fight then this shouldn't be too hard for a late arrival to establish who DM is and for DM to say yea or nay. Obviously makes more work for the DM during the fight but i think there is a saying something along the lines of "with great power, comes great responsibility" FDR maybe?

Re: Late into Fight / AFK-Robot Mode / DM role

Toy, do you think lady b, wytt, azz, kam, light or me are not used to handle double devices for years ?

Regardless of concentration we frikking help with two accs. Is that normal that we cannot even dice after a fight because we made a wrong choice before hande for dicing ? Come on...That's frikking greedy.

Truth is that on a simple mathemathical probability, we do not reduce the chances for someone playing only one acc to loose at dicing.

I don't minf to play for months to get DL and I don't actually give a fukk about it. I lended a crown to callator because I don't even hope to get my shield for the incoming months.

What I want is fairplay from the community. You do have nice players like ladyb working their asses to level up two acc and we play them fairly too. So instead of excluding us, accept and allow us into multipile dicing for DL items.

That's all I ask.
SHADOWKRAR : Warrior 182 Full Glacial
S007 : Rogue 182 Full Glacial / Full Radiant
SHADOWSNIPPER : Ranger 72 Full Meteroric
World : Lugh
Clan : Chieftain of BERSERKERS clan

Re: Late into Fight / AFK-Robot Mode / DM role

Id like to clarify a point. Casters generally dont auto-attack, and someone asked me how will anyone tell they are active in the fight.

If a mage, you will see lures on the boss. Even dps mages will at least lure their main spell, fire or ice. Druids are a bit trickier, because there is usually no sign on the boss (except vines sometimes). But, obviously, if you are healed, see breath, or one of the buffs (bless, sanctuary, etc), then the druid was active.

Which brings me to my second point, it will be difficult for a caster to be dm if we are expected to also be the hall monitor. I cant read half the text that rolls by now if im doing my job. Never mind having to check who is there on time and whether each player in that mass of bodies is doing something. Yeah, never ask me to dm.
LongCool: 190+ mage
lcthief: 170+ rogue
lcwitchy: 85+ druid
World: Lugh
Proud General of Clan Aftermath

Re: Late into Fight / AFK-Robot Mode / DM role

Well seems only way for a dm to watch all and do all. Is to pick one person each fight and let then set out and referee the fight. But with this nobody will choose to do this. Unless they are allowed to dice the same as the rest. Just my thought on this. Use this for none quest bosses at first if u wanna try it.

"Strap on your Thor helmet and do the fandango."
Missing my Lil sammy :(

Re: Late into Fight / AFK-Robot Mode / DM role


Just my few ideas on this topic.

1) We are talking about end bosses like Hrunghnir. Since we need like 3 groups spread over the battlefield, there is no reasonable way for any DM to have overview of the whole battlefield checking everyone. Also I do no think that a DM should "spy" on players if they do what they should do. Players should be honest and treated as "innocent until proven guilty".

2) The simplest way for anyone who arrives after the battle started is to say "hello" as soon as he/she arrives. Honest player should add "i am late" if he sees target lock. This we already mostly do.

3) When someone says "hello" during fight and someone other checks target lock and sees that the arriving player is too late (and the arriving player does not tell himeself/herself), then just say "Toycat is too late" or something like this so other around you notice it too. This some of us do to and it is no shame nor greed to announce it for others.

4) If someone hits wrong button he should tell "wb" (or "wrong button") and return ASAP. When he/she is back he/she should say "back" or "i am back" or something so those who did not see him/her know he/she returned from "wb" and did not just arrive.

5) If someone sees that anyone is on auto-attack only, he/she should tell "Toycat is on auto" or something like this. If the player replies fast "i am not" or something like that it is almost sure he/she is not on auto-attack only. If he/she however does not reply in a reasonable time - like 10 to 15 secs max because of possible lags - then it is most likely he was on auto-attack and he should not be eligible to roll.

6) As an addition to 5) a player may be on auto-attack for a short time if he/she has a good reason. He/she however should announce that and say "sorry, was on auto for a bit, my wife slipped and hit her head" or something like that. These players should still be eligible to roll if it was not too long like half a fight or so.

I think the above should be reasonably easy and satisfactory for the time being.

... Toycat the Druid of Ancients in world Lugh ...
:. .:. .:. .:. .:. Patience is a virtue :. .:. .:. .:. .:

Re: Late into Fight / AFK-Robot Mode / DM role

Toy, I know you are kind and full of goodwill. But after playing two years, we can both agree that many players can be dishonest, from whatever clan. Like in a ball game, the DM should have the power of enforcing the rules but, all the players should help him to report misconduct. if players report themselves it is even better, but by the past we have see many not doing so that's why I still think the DM should also judge and settle dicing problems.

For sure, like underlined longcool it is pointless for support classes to be DM and run around, but if players helped them they may still be DM. DM better be secondary tanks, rangers or rogues (as rogues also regularly move from the boss to escape area damage)

What is sure it is very annoying for someone coming to help, arriving after a lock is down to just hear a "shad is late" : I still remember recently when I arrived to drag 175, my clansmates telling me it was already locked, but guessed what I never saw how this new drag looked like and i went to give an hand... Elleelle directly shouted : "shad is late" that really annoyed me, it sounded quite greedy. (Since then I discussed with elleelle and we are fine)

So at the very least the player who have something to report should have a minimum of decency and politness and address directly the player in question like : "shad, you should know that the lock is already closed" or "Shad I noticed you are in robot mode are you afk or lagging"
SHADOWKRAR : Warrior 182 Full Glacial
S007 : Rogue 182 Full Glacial / Full Radiant
SHADOWSNIPPER : Ranger 72 Full Meteroric
World : Lugh
Clan : Chieftain of BERSERKERS clan

Re: Late into Fight / AFK-Robot Mode / DM role

Shadow, I am sorry Elle sounded greedy to you but in the heat of a battle we try to shorten messages as much as possible. "Shad is late" is just faster to write then "Dear Shadowkrar, I am really sorry to inform you that you arrived after the target lock and according to the rules we agreed I am devastated to tell you that you will not be able to dice this time". :-) Kinda exaggerated, I know, but I am sure that if Elle would have the time she would have written that to you because I spoke with her too and she is very polite person.

So to all, mostly no one means to offend anyone, so especially in the battle, if something sounds a bit harsh, please, do not take it personally and do not be offended by possibly poor choice of an expression. Sometimes words just don't come out right and in fast situations the speaker may not realize it.

... Toycat the Druid of Ancients in world Lugh ...
:. .:. .:. .:. .:. Patience is a virtue :. .:. .:. .:. .:

Re: Late into Fight / AFK-Robot Mode / DM role


3) When someone says "hello" during fight and someone other checks target lock and sees that the arriving player is too late (and the arriving player does not tell himeself/herself), then just say "Toycat is too late" or something like this so other around you notice it too. This some of us do to and it is no shame nor greed to announce it for others.

Personally, I think it is the person who arrives after the fight starts who should check the status of the lock before they say 'here.' That is what I do. And then if someone says 'here' past lock, others can say 'late.'

Having to check 'lock' first also ensures that you are actually near the boss and in position to fight and not just in the room.

Or if I arrive past lock, I would say 'late' and just help out. That would also avoid the issue that occurred with Shad and Elle, where someone assumes that a person thinks they were on time, when they knew they were late.

If someone repeatedly says 'here' past lock, then that should be considered a problem. I do have to say that it is sometimes hard to notice the 'lock' sign on an iphone, at least for me. If you are not sure, then it might be good to just say 'locked?' instead of 'here.'
Castiglioni - 180 Druid in Lugh
147 Ranger
Member of Clan Elixir

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