Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Breaking Badder

Locking my thread? Now that just won't do,
Casti must speak, I like to write too.

Toying with my feelings, you're gonna make me cry,
Folks had plenty to say about us, always wanting to pry.

True is true, second-hand or straight from the mouth,
A lie will follow you, west, east, north, or south.

I get my facts from the front lines. Better than a lie.
A ban for a ban, unless justice must die.

Push the problems under the rug? All is made well?
That's what leaves so many issues, never to dispel.

Try to silence Casti, lock his thread tight,
Yet the haters keep shouting, Frying everyone in sight.

The prodigal sons returned, to make everything right,
But a Cloud falls over Lugh, making things less bright.

On this very eve, another drop went to one who was likely late,
Everyone too nice to speak, giving him up to his fate.

Unleashed once again, a clan left to have their own way,
Erking many players, getting worse every day.

Take a look up on high, the skies were made clear.
Oh, Wow, was a possible clan takeover too much to bear?

Power tends to corrupt, or so do they say,
What Lugh needs is balance, to keep the darkness away.

Gathering power now, to take over the dicing system,
A silent leader speaks, finally issuing a new dictum.

Alts to dice now too, one less chance for a drop,
Voting be damned, the leaders aren't running a union shop.

The Chosen Ones must die, another day to be reborn,
On this only hope, an oath must be sworn.

The people are gathering, they get louder every day,
Silenced no more, their fear we will allay.

To live again in freedom, rising to the light,
How many more days do we need, to overcome this darkest night?

Power in me, I promise yet there is. My toon is not yet run.
I hear the people cry. They yearn once again to play and have fun.

Keeping it real, I will have my say.
Poetic replies to keep the drama at bay.

Don't like my rhymes? Now that's a real shame.
Chill out bro. It is all in good fun. It is just a game.
Castiglioni - 180 Druid in Lugh
147 Ranger
Member of Clan Elixir

Re: Breaking Badder

I wanna tell you just one thing
Your words are spinning in a ring

Complaining is the easy way
For people who can't really say

What would they do to make things better
Instead they write an accusation letter

Whole world is here for you to tweak
If you have the power as you speak

Looking forward to see your doing
Wishing you less posting and more fun playing

... Toycat the Druid of Ancients in world Lugh ...
:. .:. .:. .:. .:. Patience is a virtue :. .:. .:. .:. .:

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