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Chief of Rosmerta Top Clan

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 6:23 pm
by DrGreenThumb705
Hello I have not read the previous forum thread fully. I do not plan to respond to this thread, I am not forum active.

The post by Oracle Face is not entirely accurate.

We had 3 pures.....

the "less active main" had been ahead of oracle in points until the day she was geared. I have had a lot of in person issues to take care of causing me to gear late.

As well as taking care of the mess of problems oracle face brought to the clan.

After long debates we had to decide whether to keep 10 players or lose oracle face.

we allowed the clan to decide.

When we allowed the clan to decided. Many of whom oracle face has disrespected came forth and talked about times they had been wronged by him.

38 out of 71 people who voted voted to remove oracle, and so on his last day he left.

Instead of giving a player his doch glove when he leaves. I decided to hold it for our clan.

however we still gave him his royal blood ring on his last day.

Thank you all for reading. perhaps i will read the other forum thread.

But not if its based off of lies.

When oracle face left, he took 2 of my favorite players with him.....

I didnt want to kick him...

But i will be honest.... Not having someone constantly badger you... or insult you, your friends.... every day.... or tell you how you should do a relief.

Or when things go wrong. to be absolutely critical of your team.

I was just tired of it.

Although i didnt want to remove him after all his 4-6 months of hard work. I cant blame my clan.

At the end of the day, I would only wanted to have seen him with a 1 month demotion.

Re: Chief of Rosmerta Top Clan

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 6:31 pm
by DrGreenThumb705
Before the clan vote had been put up.

A few of our top players made their leave, and many other players couldnt bare to stay on.

Instead of straightening up at the sight of the vote.

Oracle face decided to lash out more, insulting leadership further, all in public.

If all he did was agree, he was in the wrong, that he shouldn't knowingly upset people, to get a rise out of them, for his own personal enjoyment.

without looking for excuses. People would have forgiven him.

But no, instead he continues to do it.

The previous post is not for an opinion, it is to upset us further, and make us look bad.

Enjoy your day Celtic hero community. =]

Re: Chief of Rosmerta Top Clan

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 6:42 pm
by Peuleschiltje
There always more sides of a story but i personally think you can never let the whole clan decide to kick some one or not... Thats why the clans have independent leaders for, they should look at the facts and decide what to do. This all could have been avoided if it just were decided behind the screens by an independent leaders team and prob you would not have lost any of the players.... Just my opinion, its none of my business tho.

Re: Chief of Rosmerta Top Clan

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 6:49 pm
by DrGreenThumb705
I do agree with you.

This is the first time our "clan vote" rule was put in the place.

To give more power to the people.

if 10 players openly come forth and say they want something changed in the clan. We allow a clan vote.

I put this rule in place, because as a clansman in the last dominate clan, i felt my opinion and the opinion of the clan was not heard nearly enough, even when it was the majority.

I had a friend who left the previous dominate clan. He wanted back in, and the leaders quickly said no.

They dismissed any conversation about it, and i made it public, and called for a vote, which was denied.

The player who wasn't allowed back, became one of the best clan members i ever had, other than his huge ego ;) for good reason.

but the irony is he left with oracle face after the clan vote.

My point being. I agree, but it even split leadership to try and decide, what to do with him.....Since some were in favor of him, some were opposed,

So we allowed the clansman to use his right, when he did. since the clan became restless of the on going arguments.

The way it was done was not the best though I will agree with that.

The poll should have been written by me, to be as unbias as possible.

Though all leadership felt, they would be personally attacked or harassed if they had set the poll.

I mean it when I say, he was very difficult to deal with..... and it was a very tough decision to make.

Re: Chief of Rosmerta Top Clan

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:27 pm
by DrGreenThumb705
I mean, When he first joined our clan. He already decided he did not like us.

We split from the previous dominate clan, which he stayed in.

He insulted us a lot when that clan was alive, but when it died, we let him in anyways.

We knew some people liked him, and didnt feel it was right to not give him a chance.

When he joined he would constantly go on about, how the previous clan was better, how we ruined his chances for anything in this server, ruined his game play entirely.

He never liked us from the start, and I don't think he planned to stay with us this long.

Everyday, he would ask me for his edl main hand, which I "owed him" for taking out the previous clan.

Every single day, multi times a day.

When he finally got accustomed to our clan. after non stop motivation from the player who ultimately made the poll to get him kicked.

Oracle Face in fact did get his main hand.

We never once treated Oracle Face bias as leadership when it came to gearing.

Re: Chief of Rosmerta Top Clan

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:54 pm
by Annael
Well said. You are an inspiration to us all

Re: Chief of Rosmerta Top Clan

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:47 am
by Oralface
, You ruined 5 months of my work in a previous clan by destroying it and expect me to kneel to you like the rest of them. From the day I joined til the day I left I had zero respect for your empire; Forever. You drove out one of my favourite people from this game but yet you expect me to like you and everything you did.

I'm sorry to say but leadership needs a serious fix and needs to be based of people who can actually lead rather than who wins the "Likeable Contest".
Alot of leaders ignored my complaints about serious matters because they didn't want drama. Which is straight up retarded, not dealing with matters to avoid drama, it's more the way you handle things is what causes drama.

For this whole incident you made a deal to keep my name out of it to avoid drama, yet less than a week later you tell the whole clan. Which lead on to about 2 weeks of drama. Could this have been avoided? Of course it could have but you chose for the clan to fight over it.

I have been talking to a few close friends of yours, and they have told me some of the sick things you had to do to destroy the previous clan. Just in order to get you into the position you are today, you are not better than I am.

The whole clan petition was poorly handled, firstly you actually let something like that happen in the clan yet public shaming be against the rules. Secondly the post consisted of reasons to kick me rather than both sides of the story so people could have an actual opinion. Lastly the lies told about me by the person who made the poll in revenge because I told clan he sold a clan drop which there was valid evidence against.

As I write this post you clan is attempting its first gelebron kill. The clan I have found refuge in has 21 members who could attend but your Generals ego and greed is what's getting in the way, you refused the offer because you are not willing to part with drops.

Re: Chief of Rosmerta Top Clan

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 3:00 am
by Zyz
Rosmerta sounds lovely

Re: Chief of Rosmerta Top Clan

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:16 am
by Ventius
Lol sometimes clans can die. New ones take their place as top of the server. Has happened many times in the past to all servers and i guarantee will happen many more in the future.

Dont take it all out on the leaders of this new clan. If i were a leader and i always saw you talking unfathomable about my clan i wouldnt want you there. And to say that they owe you gear just because they wasted months of your hard work when your clan died? Get over yourself lol

If anyone leaves a clan they wouldnt be getting dg anymore. Dont take that personally lol. Why would any leader give gear to someone who left clan and joins comp lol.

If you dont respect them, dont like any of them and just dont wanna be there why did you ever join that new clan...smh

Re: Chief of Rosmerta Top Clan

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:49 am
by GhostlyBlaze15
If you dont respect them, dont like any of them and just dont wanna be there why did you ever join that new clan...smh
Because maybe perhaps it was his only option? A good chuck of alliance's members used to hate alliance, and when other clans started dying off they quickly changed sides which I find ironic. If I recall, Rosemerta only has one super clan which really tells you a lot. I'm sure there are plenty out there that join a clan because it's the only way to progress even though they don't like the clan.