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Tired of the Sevrer Crashes!!

Im not the only one tired of these server crashes i propose once again a server split.

For some reason all these people are coming to Rosmerta we are beyond over populated and its causeing tremendous lag and mid game freezes and crashes. Admin says that with the extremely large area coming in the Update that it will solve this issue.

But by the time the update comes out everyone that is atleast lvl 20 can be and probably will be lvl 80+ and be able to complete any quest restrictions that will be set on the new area. Cause its been proven lvling to lvl 80 in a week is possible without potions or elixers.

More people will join this world regardless and more and mre will quickly gain access to the new area still creating the same problems we have now.

Creating a new server cost no money if it did there are those who are willing to pay me included. Id like a more in depth look into this instead of thinking the new area will fix the issue cause the server will continue to grow and server crashes as they are frequent will get worse.
Class:(Balor) Warrior(Rosmerta)Druid

Re: Tired of the Serer Crashes!!

First off... This should be in general discussion as I'm sure other servers are in the same boat.
Second off... I couldn't agree more. Lag at this point is just insanely bad and has been an ongoing issue for a while, admin has tried to fix but so far it's only been temporary. Would LOVE to have a server split due to lag and other reasons. I'd also like to see the spawn rate on bosses increased so that the timer is 30 minutes. Will discuss more below. (also going to post a similar topic in general to get some more feedback)

Other Reasons To Make A Change:
1. It's really not fun, for anyone, to wait so long to just get a placeholder, to wait forever to end up getting kill stolen by another clan, or to wait forever and lose a boss to another clan because your entire group ends up disconnected a few times during the fight.I don't think anyone is going to disagree with this.
2. Why not increase the spawn timer & rate? Everyones going to get the armor before the update anyhow so let's do it at a pace that decreases the clan fights and lets servers support more than one active clan.
3. To be blunt, servers can't support more than one active clan (happily) with the content in game. Some of us have been waiting months after getting full warden, for something new and exciting. The wep upgrade quest was was nice but really not that exciting overall. The new bosses qualify as exciting but they are 2 hours apart and seldom see a boss rather than a place holder. Those of us who have been waiting months for something exciting and new are now in competition with so many other people for these bosses that it's just silly.
4. This is not just a Rosemerta issue, it's seen across most servers that have a large and active population. More bosses up at once means people can fight at other locations and be doing something productive at the same time. Very few if any people are enjoying the fighting over bosses... we're even talking and trying to work something out... what we end up working out will likely mean that people just play the game half as much as they do now... not exactly a good achievement for anyone.

98 Warrior

Re: Tired of the Sevrer Crashes!!

Nasim is spot on with point #3. The summary of the problem (and admin and the CH team plz don't take this as criticism. You guys are great.) is that the game has grown in popularity far faster than the team can handle. Now each server is hell with boss fights. The recent patch just makes the frustration run stronger. Maybe server splits would be a good investment. I don't know. All I know is that as long as the game continues to get increasingly more popular, the same problem will arise, regardless of how many times the server is dissected
Samnis- Level 71 Ranger
Roq- Level 75+ Rogue

Re: Tired of the Sevrer Crashes!!

I just posted in general under "Game Improvement Suggestions - Comments?" Please take a look and comment there. Epic, Templars, (ksksers, whatever) and anyone else. Would LOVE it if you could read the post and respond in a non flaming manner, I think the suggestions I make would address the issues that all of us are having, and would actually make everyone happy and make the game much better.

98 Warrior

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