Celtic Heroes

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Last and final say........

Hi people of gwydion how are you guys? Just want to tell you guys some bad news....... I tried my hardest to stay away from how people are going about things cause i really don't kno how to respond in a nice way. I am a grown ass man and I don't take crap from no one especially from people in a game and I'm sure most of solis "leaders" can say the same thing. So there for there won't be no deals made with no one as long as I'm here cause like really we don't have to make deals with no one. As far as I know soli was and still is the strongest clan in gwydion so there for we don't have to make any kind of deal. If you guys want a chance at aggy by all means go ahead try your best i really don't care but you guys best believe i will be there watching and waiting for you guys to fail and once you guys do best believe my group will move in for the kill thats all I'm going to say about that.

Next thing yes Laverne is chief of soli but she doesn't make decisions herself. I help her out as much as I can so does Seph, Abigail, Wudorie (even tho she doesn't play as much anymore but we still keep in touch with her everyday and ask her for her opinion on things) Gren and all the guards in soli ( to many to name). For all of you guys that know how to run your own company knows that their is only one boss not 10 or 20 just one. Many managers, supervisors and workers thats how you run a good business. So with that being said you guys need to stop pointing fingers at the "chief" because like I said before she doesn't make decisions herself. In stead of saying "chief" say "your leaders".

This is all I'm going to say about this cause i can get into more details but it will be a waste of my time cause all I'm going to do is name people and shame them because I have alot of things on people that I'm pretty sure they don't wanna be shamed on forums nor do I want make pig and vold job harder.

Well good day and enjoy this game the best way you kno how to........

Ps dont pm any leaders about no deal cause its not gonna happen. Pm me if you guys have any questions as a good leader that I am taking over this fight from now on...

And if you guys decide to post something think twice before posting it cause I'm all fired up and ready to burn people. And please all solitaire i beg of you. Do not post anything thats gonna cause any issues or cause a problem I'm gonna try to solve what I can and end any problems there is the best way I can. So if you respect me as I respect all soli members you will respect my wishes and not post.... Thanks

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