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That Epona Drama

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 8:15 am
by SamySamSamBoss2000
I'm sure many of you have hear how clan Gomorrah has been black listed on Epona. I, myself being a new member, have been quite annoyed as I don't see anything that was done wrong and no one has provided an adequate explanation. The best I got was that some of the clan "leaders" have been banned, but I got no character names and the only thing against the chieftain is that people don't like his attitude. Other players have told me our clan was blacklisted but no one has offered for me to join any other clan and while I was searching around before the only response I got was sorry we are not recruiting. (Thank you blood moon for actually providing some sort of explanation as it seems the standard response after whispering, "you know your clan has been blacklisted." is to ignore.)

It seems to me that if Gomorrah has been blacklisted fairly it should be easy to shut it down. People listen to reasonable decisions and if provided with an alternative way to get gear I'm sure most would take it. But as of right now nothing of the sort has been given.

Re: That Epona Drama

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 2:14 pm
by Vilse
Your clan is banned because the leader is a well-known Epona scammer. He has managed to mass invite people to his new clan to fark with Epona and as there is no way for Eponians to inform all these players and as we cant tell which of all these toons are controlled by [removed] all are banned afaik for the time being. Most clans on Epona are always looking for new players so feel free to talk to anyone outside Gomorrah and you will meet friendly helpful people.


Re: That Epona Drama

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 12:13 am
by CeePeh
As a new player to the game, I picked Epona because I had read that it had an Australasian community, it's the name of a very good song by Eluveitie and also I'm a huge Zelda nerd.

So far my experience on this server and its community has been quite interesting, first off I joined Gomorrah when I was invited at a low level and found Sodom to be a bit of a tool, then some random person the next day whispered to me that I should leave the guild because he was a known scammer. At this point I thought, that was a short time to already experience drama in a new game.

I left Gomorrah because I just wanted to experience an interesting mmo drama-free. I was then invited to Gomorrah again later and thought I'll give them another chance, because I'm someone who formulates his own opinions not based on the noise and banter of others. After spending a couple of weeks in Gom and witnessing how Sodom treats his members, my opinion of him and the guild changed as I experienced a congruent group of people who treated both each other and those outside with respect so I stuck around.

Now I get harassed by random people from Reborn and some other guild for no reason, I was hunting low level mobs as I'm a noob and they stood around taking my kills and just being a generic nuisance. I can see fellow members being harassed constantly with the same kind of behaviour. Mind you the official post says it's blacklisted from boss rolls, however people seem to be taking that as a liberty to be a complete troll and griefer in every activity a person does, such like fishing.

All in all, my first impression of this community is that it is quite toxic, harassing players and repeating statements with a herd-like mentality being unable to provide any proof when challenged, (example response from Vilse there). If a person is a "well known scammer" why hasn't that person been removed from the server by OTM? it doesn't make sense that they would still be allowed to play if this was the case.

Like Samy, I am also reasonable and wont condone or support bad behaviour. However you should consider having actual evidence and posting it in this forum for all to see on how and why these decisions are made. Expecting people to install that atrocious Chinese whats-app knockoff WeChat just so they can participate in server related conversation is ridiculous and almost comes off as people are getting kick-backs from Tencent or something.

You should be encouraging new players to stay, not driving them off with your mob mentality, because right now all I see is your pitchforks and torches and people repeating the same thing without any proof, it defies logic.

Re: That Epona Drama

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 1:04 am
by Datura
If you wish to see evidence of your clan breaking the server rules, ask and you shal receive. If you started a server without knowing the server rules then that fault falls to you. We have others xfering to epona and can not update every new lvl 11 that comes by. Also you found your way here easily to post your point of view of what happened. There is a topic of Epona and the server rules

Re: That Epona Drama

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 1:24 am
by CeePeh
I have read the server rules, in fact quite early into the game. The part that I liked the most is "Epona is a famously free server". The rules are largely around how Boss fights are engaged and drops handled via dice rolls, along with some common sense rules in section 2.

I can't even fight bosses yet so how can I be considered to be breaking the server rules at such a low level? your response does not make sense.

Section 2.b is interesting because it is exactly what the players I mentioned in my previous post were doing. In the post linked here viewtopic.php?f=15&t=100035 nowhere does it state it is open season to grief players who are still in Gom.

In this my previous post, I am clearly asking for evidence, yet all you are doing is pointing me to the server rules.

This community should be open and list the people who are banned in this official forum instead of expecting people to install 3rd party applications and sending someone a private message to obtain this, why all the secrecy? by having that information pinned and easily accessible, new players such as myself can easily refer to this and avoid getting dragged into the drama. It also solves the issue you stated of "not being able to update every new lvl 11 that comes by".

Re: That Epona Drama

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 1:39 am
by Dark Kitty
This community should be open and list the people who are banned in this official forum instead of expecting people to install 3rd party applications and sending someone a private message to obtain this, why all the secrecy?
Per forum rules name shaming is not allowed, so if you were to publish a database of banned players you’d have to do that outside of forums.

Re: That Epona Drama

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 1:48 am
by CeePeh
This community should be open and list the people who are banned in this official forum instead of expecting people to install 3rd party applications and sending someone a private message to obtain this, why all the secrecy?
Per forum rules name shaming is not allowed, so if you were to publish a database of banned players you’d have to do that outside of forums.
Thanks Dark Kitty, at least someone is able to provide me with a reason as to why things are handled here the way they are. I will ask for this information via forum PM, I'm assuming as this is not public, it is acceptable.

Re: That Epona Drama

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 2:23 am
by The7thSon
It has been openly discussed by the endgame players of Epona and we have decided that it is in our best interests to snuff out the threat of Gomorrah before it begins to be an issue. This includes open killstealing of any boss a Gomorrah member attempts. After all, wouldn’t you prefer to buy a fire extinguisher before the fire starts? Anyone that continues to stand behind the leaders of Gomorrah has the possibility to be issued a permanent server ban if the endgame community sees this punishment to be fitting. Epona has long-established server rules, and any attempt at overthrowing the system we have in place is a threat to the wellbeing of the players of the server.

With that being said, any player who was invited to Gomorrah without knowing the history of the leaders will be given the chance to leave the clan with no consequences.

I hope this clarifies things.

Re: That Epona Drama

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 3:35 am
by Vilse
I am sorry you had a bad gaming experience. Hope it will get better from now on :)

I can assure you that I wasnt over-excited of installing wechat when I started on Epona either but if you want to progress and be a part of the community, wechat is where the magic happens. I think almost all servers/clans uses a third part program to help with communication as the game itself and this forum is a bit limited.

I was gonna write a long post about ”me not providing evidence when challenged”(I mean really wtf?) and the drama itself but I think you got it by now, havent you? :D

Re: That Epona Drama

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 4:47 am
by CeePeh
I am sorry you had a bad gaming experience. Hope it will get better from now on :)

I can assure you that I wasnt over-excited of installing wechat when I started on Epona either but if you want to progress and be a part of the community, wechat is where the magic happens. I think almost all servers/clans uses a third part program to help with communication as the game itself and this forum is a bit limited.

I was gonna write a long post about ”me not providing evidence when challenged”(I mean really wtf?) and the drama itself but I think you got it by now, havent you? :D
I have (reluctantly) installed WeChat against my better judgement... c'mon people it's 2019, get on Discord already, they take your privacy far more seriously than Chinese conglomerate Tencent does, sheesh.

Can someone please add me to the Epona chat? my name ID is CeePeh - I want to see this evidence for myself.