Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: renascentia

also, yeah i was in PandeMoanium :) hehe left and started Renas. Lunesta's old clan was called Hustle i believe. don't quote me on that. but yeah Renas is definitely my creation :P
From Epona!! :D
Druid Level 144: Dawnings
Warrior Level 101: Ianbean2
General in Wardens

Peace and Love,

Re: renascentia

But all the dormant same people were in there D= btw how do you make that picture, everyone has one so I know you probably didn't make it on your own or you could a, I think I would like to train with ye, hope your a tank. soloing for me has been fine with a grand ring of light heal and all booya! So I dps, bolas and heal, effect, some times they over take me, so if your a tank I mean pure tank sure, if your a dps nty. nothing personal, or maybe f I need company sure. Ok... sure I guess we could... lol
Ashley A - Mabon - Novalis - 222 - Mage
Azona - Mabon - Novalis - 209 - Druid
0x15 - Mabon - Novalis - 216 - Rogue

Allymia - Epona - 220 - Rogue
Fire Mage - Epona - 220 - Mage

Aethinry Donn - Belenus - 221 - Warrior
Dakara - Belenus - 200 - Mage

Re: renascentia

Ha feel free to post on the clan? Well... Ive heard its a great clan. And now im training hard AF to make the cut. Only 60 more lvls to go XD
Bloodwulfe; 190 Ranger
Melsa: 120 Warrior
Vethra: 170 Druid
Padfoot: 165 Mage

Re: renascentia

I may help train you with my warrior, although it'd work out better if you were a druid or a ranger (Healing) Druid Touch and Ranger quick cooldown light heal. Level 52 XD Maybe I should add a wardens sword. lol (sad thing is, I only have energy rejuvs because I need them for ranger, warriors don't take as much energy so now I need Health rejuvs. Can I borrow anyone's? lol
Ashley A - Mabon - Novalis - 222 - Mage
Azona - Mabon - Novalis - 209 - Druid
0x15 - Mabon - Novalis - 216 - Rogue

Allymia - Epona - 220 - Rogue
Fire Mage - Epona - 220 - Mage

Aethinry Donn - Belenus - 221 - Warrior
Dakara - Belenus - 200 - Mage

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