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Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 3:54 am
by TheLordOfDiablos
The terms "cooperative" va "dominant" are misnomers. It should be called Luck-Based vs Effort-Based.
We don't use dice because we think it's the absolute perfect way to distribute drops. We use dice because there's no other system that can include everyone. Plus nobody is stopping a clan in epona using a dkp system, I've even suggested something similar for my clan. So no, it's still definitely cooperative vs Dominant/competitive.

Was your idea sort of a you have two people dice representing each clan and the droos are rolled for by those people and then drops won go to bank and dkp is done? Could work. Or just everyone rolls and drops sent to bank.
My clan already banks quest drops we win, then we just hand them out to whoever needs them. That first suggestion wouldn't work, either.... what about the clanless people? People who are in dead clans, too? That idea wouldn't include everyone, it'd be just as if we had multiple parts of a dominant clan.

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 3:04 pm
by Proteus Prime
We don't use dice because we think it's the absolute perfect way to distribute drops. We use dice because there's no other system that can include everyone. Plus nobody is stopping a clan in epona using a dkp system, I've even suggested something similar for my clan. So no, it's still definitely cooperative vs Dominant/competitive.

Was your idea sort of a you have two people dice representing each clan and the droos are rolled for by those people and then drops won go to bank and dkp is done? Could work. Or just everyone rolls and drops sent to bank.
My clan already banks quest drops we win, then we just hand them out to whoever needs them. That first suggestion wouldn't work, either.... what about the clanless people? People who are in dead clans, too? That idea wouldn't include everyone, it'd be just as if we had multiple parts of a dominant clan.

Oh yeah :c

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 4:33 am
by Curry30423
Honestly if this world wants to be different than the rest then not only do u need a server-wide dkp system for all clans to use, but everyone has to be willing to use it. If u wanna prevent lock battles and conflicts then everyone has to come under the same terms. It might be hard to plan out but if the leaders of whatever the top clans are on this server sat down and busted out a list of rules to follow for everyone then it could work. Lots of hard work to be put into this if u want he server to stay a whole and still reward ppl for their work rather than just luck.

U could do that or every clan implement their own system, but be fair about it with no griefing and what not.

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 7:48 am
by be0wulf
The terms "cooperative" va "dominant" are misnomers. It should be called Luck-Based vs Effort-Based.
We don't use dice because we think it's the absolute perfect way to distribute drops. We use dice because there's no other system that can include everyone. Plus nobody is stopping a clan in epona using a dkp system, I've even suggested something similar for my clan. So no, it's still definitely cooperative vs Dominant/competitive.
not really, I mean clans hide timers sometimes but if you try and get a kill over another clan and keep drops that's just gonna get you banned in the roll system for gelebron, definently nobody is gonna agree on any ground with dominant clans keeping drops in epona. It would be entertaining to see an "attempt" but doing that in epona can eventually make your accounts in epona worthless because you will have that "banned from bosses" title over your head.

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 9:19 pm
by Alyssandra
The terms "cooperative" va "dominant" are misnomers. It should be called Luck-Based vs Effort-Based.
We don't use dice because we think it's the absolute perfect way to distribute drops. We use dice because there's no other system that can include everyone. Plus nobody is stopping a clan in epona using a dkp system, I've even suggested something similar for my clan. So no, it's still definitely cooperative vs Dominant/competitive.
not really, I mean clans hide timers sometimes but if you try and get a kill over another clan and keep drops that's just gonna get you banned in the roll system for gelebron, definently nobody is gonna agree on any ground with dominant clans keeping drops in epona. It would be entertaining to see an "attempt" but doing that in epona can eventually make your accounts in epona worthless because you will have that "banned from bosses" title over your head.
You missed the point entirely. Clans can keep items that clannies have won in the existing system, without excluding others. They simply choose how to distribute those drops within clan.

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 1:45 am
by be0wulf
We don't use dice because we think it's the absolute perfect way to distribute drops. We use dice because there's no other system that can include everyone. Plus nobody is stopping a clan in epona using a dkp system, I've even suggested something similar for my clan. So no, it's still definitely cooperative vs Dominant/competitive.
not really, I mean clans hide timers sometimes but if you try and get a kill over another clan and keep drops that's just gonna get you banned in the roll system for gelebron, definently nobody is gonna agree on any ground with dominant clans keeping drops in epona. It would be entertaining to see an "attempt" but doing that in epona can eventually make your accounts in epona worthless because you will have that "banned from bosses" title over your head.
You missed the point entirely. Clans can keep items that clannies have won in the existing system, without excluding others. They simply choose how to distribute those drops within clan.
Yeah on a side note I'm selling gelebron void dagg if interested 0.0

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 5:47 pm
by Aileron
I don't understand how anyone can argue that a dice system is not luck based.

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 3:23 am
by Alyssandra
I don't understand how anyone can argue that a dice system is not luck based.
In part it is, but it does not negate player's effort and the effect of clans. While you personally may not be fond of it, plenty of us are content, and plenty of us put in effort to camp/farm and help our clans. Not everyone has to buy gear, even though we're an open server.

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 7:04 pm
by be0wulf
To be honest everyone deserves to have a chance at getting an item even if the probability is low, it's that or take advantage of a system and claim everything ignoring everyone else's efforts but your own.

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:13 pm
by rameyrat
I don't understand how anyone can argue that a dice system is not luck based.
In part it is, but it does not negate player's effort and the effect of clans. While you personally may not be fond of it, plenty of us are content, and plenty of us put in effort to camp/farm and help our clans. Not everyone has to buy gear, even though we're an open server.
So imagine you've attended 100 gele kills. You roll each time but still haven't won that drop you've been waiting for, or that item just doesn't drop. Now an old clanny that hasn't logged in for a couple months pops up one day and decides to go to the next gele fight. That item you've been waiting for finally drops. Everyone rolls and that old clanny ends up winning it because he rolled the highest number. How is that fair? He just happens to log in one day after an extended absence and ends up winning that thing you've been trying to get forever? That's what makes dicing unfair imo. Dkp is fair because it rewards people based on their efforts, not luck. Yes people that have less time to play will not be geared up as quickly as someone that plays daily, but that is how it should be. Rewards based on effort, not luck. Dicing/rolling is pure luck.