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And this is why I left

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 8:01 pm
by -Kola-
Incase you haven't figured it out yet, danu is manuer. As i've seen post "prime" and kudos are still fighting. You guys all need to grow up, TBH your never going to get anywhere in this game. Kudos, making level 100 warriors? your maturity level is as much as a 5 year old non potty trained child. prime, i understand your a top clan but work together for once, your never going to kill necromancer and your 200 fulls are still going to take hours unless you start working together. Please understand, if you want to be sucessful in life you need to respect others and grow the hell up.

Re: And this is why I left

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 9:06 pm
by Galatic
You don't even play anymore yet you still whine, lol :lol:

Re: And this is why I left

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:46 pm
by thebeast1221
^ im sorry if you aren't being sarcastic thats pathetic kola is right my clans main "kudos" need to grow up and prime or the new prime needs to work together and stop being hiprocrites i def agree with kola im thinking about leaving server since there is no one trying to work it out and prime might say we have but really yo havent u keep resetting and talking crap and kudos need to try and work together to like why not make a new clan with all the people who want to make danu a strong world and that clan would probably become num 1!!!

Re: And this is why I left

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 1:02 am
by Arachnid
^ im sorry if you aren't being sarcastic thats pathetic kola is right my clans main "kudos" need to grow up and prime or the new prime needs to work together and stop being hiprocrites i def agree with kola im thinking about leaving server since there is no one trying to work it out and prime might say we have but really yo havent u keep resetting and talking crap and kudos need to try and work together to like why not make a new clan with all the people who want to make danu a strong world and that clan would probably become num 1!!!
I don't think a lvl 105 should be judging the actions of others. U hear very little and don't know alot of what happens and why it happens. The rivalry between the clans is complex and you have to be apart of it to fully understand. It frustrates me when i see lower lvls pleading for a clan merge or us to work together, it will never happen. do u think we have not tried that yet?

Re: And this is why I left

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 1:36 am
by Hogana
Think of this as human nature. do we actually ever communicate and merge if we dislike each other? no not unless its life and world threatening. And in celtic heroes if you die you come back to life, and there will never be a mob that will destroy the game unless defeated. See my reasoning?

Re: And this is why I left

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 2:39 am
by Arachnid
Think of this as human nature. do we actually ever communicate and merge if we dislike each other? no not unless its life and world threatening. And in celtic heroes if you die you come back to life, and there will never be a mob that will destroy the game unless defeated. See my reasoning?
Mordy and 200 can stand there as long as they want. As for Necro, as this rate, it will most definitely stand tall forever.

Re: And this is why I left

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 3:40 am
by LikeATroll
i understand your a top clan but work together for once, your never going to kill necromancer and your 200 fulls are still going to take hours unless you start working together. Please understand, if you want to be sucessful in life you need to respect others and grow the hell up.
Love this cuz its so true

Re: And this is why I left

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:15 am
by thebeast1221
^ im sorry if you aren't being sarcastic thats pathetic kola is right my clans main "kudos" need to grow up and prime or the new prime needs to work together and stop being hiprocrites i def agree with kola im thinking about leaving server since there is no one trying to work it out and prime might say we have but really yo havent u keep resetting and talking crap and kudos need to try and work together to like why not make a new clan with all the people who want to make danu a strong world and that clan would probably become num 1!!!
I don't think a lvl 105 should be judging the actions of others. U hear very little and don't know alot of what happens and why it happens. The rivalry between the clans is complex and you have to be apart of it to fully understand. It frustrates me when i see lower lvls pleading for a clan merge or us to work together, it will never happen. do u think we have not tried that yet?
Lol this low lvl played in the first 2months of the game on crom an then at lvl 60ish "ones of the first ones" i moved to danu and just had fun instead of grinding out lvls because its a game after all!!!!!! So ya i have a lot of experience i may not know to much about lvl 175+ but im not retarted i know alot about the game lvl dosent show everything bud

Re: And this is why I left

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 10:58 am
by Flan02
^ im sorry if you aren't being sarcastic thats pathetic kola is right my clans main "kudos" need to grow up and prime or the new prime needs to work together and stop being hiprocrites i def agree with kola im thinking about leaving server since there is no one trying to work it out and prime might say we have but really yo havent u keep resetting and talking crap and kudos need to try and work together to like why not make a new clan with all the people who want to make danu a strong world and that clan would probably become num 1!!!
U can talk about that, but u dont know the story..

Re: And this is why I left

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:26 pm
by Invisible
we can care less, remember those times where u begged me to get you into prime? Or when you said prime is the best? Or you begged me for cash to help you lvl? or when you begged me to help u get mind obsy so u can level and JOIN prime? Now that you joined it, and quit the game ( Thanks god, best gift) , quite saying unfathomable, u aren't any better.