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Uprise of Crimson?

One of my alternatives is the chieftan of Crimson. I'm sure every player in Danu knows who I am for the good and the bad. I like my main character Confuzzled where he is now. Defiant. If I am removed should I send Confuzzled to Crimson and recreate it's original idea before I was recruited into Defiant?

Crimson's Goal,
To be a clan, but more than a clan. More as a family rather than a bunch of ravenous barbarians aimed at being the best and growing their level. Preferably like Zamorak used to be. Cashlin and xfcprx both know what I mean.

A clan that has a heart (a base in other words). 3-5 players that are together and are unbreakable, impermeable. Members that are willing to work together, help each other out and gain each others' respect.

Then after we set up the base we work on the foundation. Recruit 2-3 members and then welcome them so they understand that we're a family and nothing can break us.

After we have a solid base and foundation we work on leveling and discs. My old friends Cashlin and xfcprx are both in the levels of 60's. So I'll use level 60+ as the requirement. Well as most players know level 60 isn't easy to get to if you've just started. Getting from level 20 to level 60 proves dedication. Loyalty will be a requirement too. Discs will be distributed by how they were earned.

Loyalty, respect and friendship will be the main requirements. Your level will be important too.

Does this idea sound good? Feedback would be nice. Thanks.
Yes, I have made mistakes. Yes, I'm human.

Re: Uprise of Crimson?

Loyalty i think should not be base on levels i think it should really be base on if they are willing to logg in and be active in the clan and can work well with others and dont leave the clan. if they are leveling slowly but are getting there that does mean they want to be part of the clan but it doesnt show much loyalty it just show they want to be stronger for their own benifits. Respect is really if they are working well with the clan members, guardians, and chief. and friendship is really not needed in this as it goes along with respect if they work well with others. Even tho that is not how i would run my current clan i really think if u are asking them for loyalty u know when they have loyalty after the first 5 days after starting ur clan cause u know who left(traitors) and who stayed(loyalty). instead of telling them the wat they need to join u wait and see then later on u can tell them cause u know who would join if u tell them they have to be loyal to join and by the looks of it i wouldnt join if u tell me i have to be loyal. that makes me want to move on.

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