Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Listen carefully, don't want to repeat to anyone.

Venom is not DawnStar
Bold and in RED...
Venom is for players that are willing to level and become stronger. DawnStar was 50+ for a while, I got involved... Became 60+ but the players were not leveling... They were too busy looking for bosses...

In Venom there are requirements. Some ideas are from Prime and Unbreakable. 2 amazing clans.
I am not going to trash any clans, quite honestly I don't give a [***CENSORED***] (like what I did there? hehe) about what they are up to.
I am too busy dealing with my wonderful clan to give a rat's ass about any other.

That's all I'd like to say, making 2 more Topics.
1. This will be about Venom's requirements
2. My apology to anyone who has an issue with me.

I am sick of dealing with drama on an app, if you truly have a problem with me look at my apology topic, if you still don't forgive me block me, dimple.
Yes, I have made mistakes. Yes, I'm human.

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