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Re: All respect completely lost for Ohana

Now I understand why Seed doesn't group none clannies. Might as well do the same.
Finally.... Lesson learned for you I hope.

This was the reason Sweet went psycho and raged against Hunterz.

She did not like the fact that I didn't agree to grouping non clan members.

Think about it more Sweet
How many idols, restos, and time is spent on killing bosses, why risk the chance to loose a good drop to some one out of clan.( There are a few exceptions with few quality players out there, but mostly not)
Inmyownworld -Crom
Hunterz - Chief

Re: All respect completely lost for Ohana

You expected more from a clan whose leadership is composed of Seed rejects?

This right here is a prime example of why I took a break :)
MicJ you have only been active 1-2 weeks while in Rev.
You have had mad excuses for not being on, I see you keep making up more lol
Inmyownworld -Crom
Hunterz - Chief

Re: All respect completely lost for Ohana

Can we stop this madness? It's a game take a chill pill all of you. Stop living in the past and live in the present..... Sheesh :roll:
Why live in the present when you can live in the future like me 8-)
Very well said❤️
Inmyownworld -Crom
Hunterz - Chief

Re: All respect completely lost for Ohana

Can we stop this madness? It's a game take a chill pill all of you. Stop living in the past and live in the present..... Sheesh :roll:
Stop what madness lol, I don't see any madness I just see immaturity and people commenting useless comments that have no input and asking for threads to be locked for no reason. No need to lock a thread because I'm calling a clan out on their bs. I'm some-what trying to warn others its not always a safe bet to group with this clan even if they act friendly to you.
Would be a whole lot better to discriminate others in the game, I'm really surprised the thread has lasted this long. If you didn't care about the book this thread wouldn't exist at all :roll:
MicJ I swear you spend more time on forums then on game lol
Inmyownworld -Crom
Hunterz - Chief

Re: All respect completely lost for Ohana

Requesting locked thread. This became way too off-topic just like every single other thread posted in Croms section.
World: Crom
Clan: Seed
Turco level 221 Ice Mage
Demonology level 134 Rogue

Re: All respect completely lost for Ohana

Requesting locked thread. This became way too off-topic just like every single other thread posted in Croms section.
The other servers must be thinking this is so repetitive. Can't we just all get along now and end this? Take this anger and put it into leveling, having fun questing or grouping.

Turco I think you are entitled to your opinion and if you lost respect for Aloha clan you're just expressing your feelings on why. (Stop calling me nub! :p)
PurpleRain 226+ Mage
Vanity 227+ Druid
I can't make the World Purple when it's Gray
Beta Android Tester

Re: All respect completely lost for Ohana

Crom forums is tame compared to some other servers.
I thought this thread went rather smoth.

Sadly as long as clan Chiefs power trip and try to take down the world. there won't be peace between clans.
InMyOwnWorld Fire Mage lvl 234
OhmyWorld Warrior lvl 220
Mantequilla LV Lure Mage LV lvl 220
BiteMe Druid lvl 220
Harley Quinn702 Rogue lvl 201
BadBella Ranger lvl 220
DrDrakeRamoray Druid lvl 148
MadQueen Mage lvl 120

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