Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Clan Info

Given that the other two major clans on this server have posted their information, I figured I might as well continue the trend...Without further ado-

Clan: DragonSouls
Chieftain: Liv Arronheln
-Jungle Pixie
-soulless reaper
-Lady Hastings

Level Req: 20
Rules: No scamming, dicing, boss or quest item selling, swearing, or ksing.

About two years ago I inherited this clan from it's former leader, who went inactive. Then there were no active clannies other than myself. Since that point I have rebuilt it from scratch, with the help of a fantastic group of leaders who all wanted to create a peaceful and friendly clan-where all levels can coexist. All our hard work has culminated into a clan our members compare to a family. When someone needs help, we answer, regardless of their level.

We always put the wellbeing of our clannies first and foremost, hence why we tend to ask a lot of questions when interviewing potential recruits, to ensure you will be a good fit for our family. Our level requirement is low so that we are able to help new players and server transfers, as well as providing a reprieve for our higher levels who just want to be noobs in between bosses. We keep attendance for bosses warden through edl so that we can ensure our armour waiting lists accurately reflect effort put in (EG and legacies also recorded). We kill Aggy, Hrung, frozen, dl, edl, legacies, etc. Every week we award Clannie of the Week prizes to one or more members who go above and beyond for clan and we also plan fun clan events such as scavenger hunts for bonding.

Bottom line: If you want to kill gelebron, necro, etc, and focus on acquiring the best gear available-DragonSouls is not for you. We are still climbing that mountain. If however, you would like a genuinely warm and welcoming environment where you will be heard and respected equally to any other clan member-One where you might be killing a level 200 legacy one minute then go play hide and go seek in fingals-With no drama tolerated-Then this might be a good home for you.

For recruitment contact me on forum or in game.

Liv Arronheln 215
Chieftain of DragonSouls
”One day, you will be old enough to start reading fairytales again.”

Re: Clan Info

Rip, he was talking about Res and Colors/Unit... (I guess Cult isn't major yet :( )
-THEONLYDICE, Chieftan of Cult, One and ONLY Cultmaster of Arawn, level 70 druid that sits in the castle all day,

"De wae is to merch until your stomach wanna perch and then you forgot that you're still level 5 with a bunch of lvl 190 lux...."

Re: Clan Info

XD, I am sorry, but LivingArawn might not even have a gender, and you just assumed that LivingArawn did.........
-THEONLYDICE, Chieftan of Cult, One and ONLY Cultmaster of Arawn, level 70 druid that sits in the castle all day,

"De wae is to merch until your stomach wanna perch and then you forgot that you're still level 5 with a bunch of lvl 190 lux...."

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