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I did feel a need to make a post regarding this kid who needs to get over his/herself. So here's what happened in my perspective. My group simply got to RockBelly first and attacked, model claimed it was their kill, we ended up getting it, end of story. You'd think that would be the end of it but no. Model felt the need to tell me (keep in mind I was in a FULL group yet I get the heat) some very inappropriate things. As any person would do, I replied back not letting myself get stepped all over, but Model takes things to the extreme and a entirely new level. I may have disagreements with many people on Arawn and other servers. But even the people I don't get along with in Arawn are at least respectful and don't get so carried away with their language. Something that boggles my mind is she claims it was thanks to her that I received my full warden lol very funny.

I will post a few screen shots of what she said. Well for one she insulted one of our members wife. She said she would destroy celts and leave me clanless ( :lol: ) and insulted are members by saying they are worthless.

Look for starters, as far as I was informed, it was OUR kill, and EVEN if it wasnt, we say sorry and it's over, but it's too late for you. At first model was a nice person, but now she's shown her true colors.


Deleted. We all got Tea'd
Last edited by Savaged1982 on Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
General of Seed - Crom
Druid 216+ & 130 something on Arawn retured in 2013
Rangers 221+ And 190+
Rogues 220+, 210+, 150+, 97+ & 150 on Arawn retired in 2013
Mage 214+
Warrior 218+

Ex member of Badabing, Celts, Uskoci & Serenity on Arawn


Who cares?

Honestly. I mean who cares?

1st yer saying that their group was gathered and your group swooped in and attacked first. That's NOT communicating about a kill, that's saying that you would rather just apologize than respect another group's place. That's cheap unfathomable. So don't post here like yer not perhaps completely in the wrong. You very well could be, and I dont even know what happened, I just see your over-gloss of the facts.

But now??

You just made an entire thread dedicated to one girl who lost her unfathomable in game and got over emotional about a boss. Wow, that has never happened before...<Insert huge amounts of sarcasm> But who cares? I mean, people say flippant stuff about down-syndrome all the time. All the time! That's not a character assassination of who someone is because they were obviously on tilt and angry. She said awful things about Speed? WHO CARES? Speed loses his unfathomable in Shout once a week and goes rabid on people, I'm sure Speed can deal with a little off color anger.

I don't make any more Down-syndrome jokes on server after a long time player on server made it clear his sister had down syndrome and it hurt him that I would be flippant. And it took me an extended conversation with him to stop. And so I don't do it. But previously I used to, and similar to people using flippant hate-speech toward homosexuals, or another constituency that takes it's lumps unfairly when people are angry..it's gonna happen when people lose their unfathomable. Bad stuff is gonna get said. It's stupid, but last time I checked we are human.

Making this thread is 10x worse than just getting back to Model when heads cool and talking it out. For one thing, all you can see is what Model said, not anything you said Wizard...and all respect to you and yours but when you go off, you can get into it with people. Let me use DrPeppers as a good example. So not saying I don't believe your story, but your aren't showing Screenshots there, you are showing snippets of one persons thoughts completely out of context.

This thread is fail.

And yer acting like she killed a kitten. She got pissed, she lost her head, she said some unbecoming unfathomable.


Now grow up and erase this ***.
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)


I found it hilarious that Wizard blocked his own writing because all of Arawn knows Wizard....and we know he had to have given his two cents with a few naughty words in between.

However I can personally comment on this situation as I was there for this "KS" and model is wrong and has gone too far on this.
Following the incident she would not stop whispering me such obscene comments as the ones listed above, which each one becoming more crude and violent, so I was forced to block her.
Later when I signed on my alts, she started on me again.

Advice for Response to Model's Rants: Oh well *shrug* *Block*


Haha tea, from now on when I'm felling aggravated at work I'm going to log on here and find some tea posts. That's gd stuff.

I've taken your advise and deleted my unfathomable.

I remembered that I have no feelings so they can't be hurt by hurtful yellow writing. Therefore there is no need to respond to said hurtful words.
General of Seed - Crom
Druid 216+ & 130 something on Arawn retured in 2013
Rangers 221+ And 190+
Rogues 220+, 210+, 150+, 97+ & 150 on Arawn retired in 2013
Mage 214+
Warrior 218+

Ex member of Badabing, Celts, Uskoci & Serenity on Arawn


*sigh* Wizard, do you not remember what I had just said last night?? If you aren't gonna try to reason with them, don't say anything at all. Like stated before, if anyone has problems, clansmen or guardians of any clan can send me a pm, and I will try my best to sort things out.
"You follow Rafiki, he knows the way"

Agentyamski - Lvl 128+
Rafiki - Lvl 95+
Coldbreth - Lvl 95+
http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... 10&t=30536


Being around Wiz for 2 seconds would make Gandhi want to loose his sh-t. Block him and be done with it. Everyones going nuts waiting for the update. Lets not all sink to the lowest denominator


Being around Wiz for 2 seconds would make Gandhi want to loose his sh-t.
Haha Ana too funny :lol: :lol: :lol: I actually get along with wiz .....Well besides when he gets upset and gives his opinion and posts stuff on the forum about other people etc....

I agree with Ana though. Chill out and make some multi clan groups for peace and harmony. Also the new quest Armor will be better than Meteoric so dont worry about the rems and tabs.

I also sorta wish that only people without warden faught the stonevale bosses. (HAHA I think heard Hitgirl say this about Falgren and I sortof agree but about all stonevale bosses) I remember how tough it was trying to figure out how to beat them. Good times. Now all the high levels are handing frags on a plate to their clannies. Want to make them learn how to fight and work well with other people QUIT BABYING THEM :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well I still may take on stonevale bosses I'm too dang nice :D
Crom: Raven3 Arawn: Raven, Nightingale Sulis: Raven4, Rhianon: Raven5

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