Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Now that i can speak truthfully

What i dont understand is that people have ill feelings over a boss that spawned last summer... People in game always saying to act mature, but last time i checked holding grudges over stuff that happened a year ago in a video game is down right immature. People in real life get over things that bother them in a year. Why on earth is there a problem coming up that occurred over a year ago. Cmon now people, its a video game theres no need to hold freakin grudges... :D

Re: Now that i can speak truthfully

[quote="Vraelan"]Forgive me if I'm not correctly interpreting the conflict but Badabing did not Ks, rush, or in anyway prevent anyone from killing Ythair. [quote]
It is true this statement... however unless you were intent on sitting on the spawn for four or five hours you had no shot of getting near it... I actually found it very uncomfortable trying to camp it at the time as the four (ish) people that would be there were either afk or down right rude... I'd come up thinking of joining the campfire and say hey wassup... and get nothing... or "hi" then........nothing. Very awkward. Felt very unwelcome... maybe im just a dbag and i was infact unwelcome...

It was very very smart though camping it as Bada did though, because now look... 8 million for Visc's set... or whatever it was... madness... and the gear is freakin awesome.
General of Seed - Crom
Druid 216+ & 130 something on Arawn retured in 2013
Rangers 221+ And 190+
Rogues 220+, 210+, 150+, 97+ & 150 on Arawn retired in 2013
Mage 214+
Warrior 218+

Ex member of Badabing, Celts, Uskoci & Serenity on Arawn

Re: Now that i can speak truthfully

What i dont understand is that people have ill feelings over a boss that spawned last summer... People in game always saying to act mature, but last time i checked holding grudges over stuff that happened a year ago in a video game is down right immature. People in real life get over things that bother them in a year. Why on earth is there a problem coming up that occurred over a year ago. Cmon now people, its a video game theres no need to hold freakin grudges... :D
Its not that anyone is hung up on ythair i just think its the small little bs dumb crap since then is why there is still issues over it. But i dont feel the need to point out the obvious .

But tbh i think nobody else commented on it besides bada is bc what i said has alot of truth to it :) but noooo need ppl the point is made :) have a good day
Nueee lvl 222 Ranger

Selfie lvl 125+ rogue ( Retired)

Best rapper in the ch community
Search Nue Sizemore

Re: Now that i can speak truthfully

Oh no im not getting into this discussion, i have nothing to say concerning this topic, and weather i agree or disagree with nueee, i will keep to myself. Dont want to get into a discussion that obviously has no end.
You fan the flame and pretended that you didn't troll this tread. What are you trying to do?

Re: Now that i can speak truthfully

Funny how many people who are bashing badabing now are not in badabing or uskoci. What is the point of this post if they are not in either clan but bringing up things regarding these two clan. To make matter worst, I see people who have left or planned to leave game commenting on it.

I can only conclude that the intent is bring badabing into bad lights.

Well again, don't get mad. It is just an opinion of troll which is not important.

Another observation, those commenting on badabing are the usual few who have bad experience with badabing. Does their opinion really mean anything based on their biased view? The same applies to a troll

Re: Now that i can speak truthfully

Doll the original post could be a compliment if ya look at it in that way lol and once again i never brought them into bad light they did that on thier own i just simply posted my opioins and look what happens on page 5 worth of talk about it .... Which in turn proves my point about their actually being drama in arawn and its not just being covered up by nice talk just to keep the peace .... Just my opioins tho dont know why it matters so much unless there was some truth to it
Nueee lvl 222 Ranger

Selfie lvl 125+ rogue ( Retired)

Best rapper in the ch community
Search Nue Sizemore

Re: Now that i can speak truthfully

If you did read my post correctly too, I was in fact complimenting you by not naming names for a thread well conceive to achieve it intended indirectly.

I have not mentioned your bad intention in anyway in my previous reply? Simply getting a reply from you proves something else that I am missing.

Iris just a trolling reply and the right thing you should have done is to put savvy trolling sign unless I am right that you want this discussion to carry on and start some drama in the otherwise so becoming peaceful arawn.

Re: Now that i can speak truthfully

Forgive me if I'm not correctly interpreting the conflict but Badabing did not Ks, rush, or in anyway prevent anyone from killing Ythair.
It is true this statement... however unless you were intent on sitting on the spawn for four or five hours you had no shot of getting near it... I actually found it very uncomfortable trying to camp it at the time as the four (ish) people that would be there were either afk or down right rude... I'd come up thinking of joining the campfire and say hey wassup... and get nothing... or "hi" then........nothing. Very awkward. Felt very unwelcome... maybe im just a dbag and i was infact unwelcome...

It was very very smart though camping it as Bada did though, because now look... 8 million for Visc's set... or whatever it was... madness... and the gear is freakin awesome.
Actually we had tons of people sit with us, and ended up grouping them too. It was a regular 12 hour spawn with little variation, so if you were there, we did group the people there. THe fact is that not all radiant armor was held by BadaBing. That is how Father, Nueee, and one more person(name escapes me) got their Radiant BPs. We grouped with them because they were there.

Camping sucked, but sometimes is was also fun. Sometimes we would lose track of the spawn time so we would have to find it out again. And sometimes we would camp because we saw one person standing there, so we decided to camp with them. I didn't know Nueee before summer. camping was actually how i got to know him, and other people. They stopped by and would either just talk or leave, or stay for the whole camp and then we would group them.

The only times that we had trouble with Uskoci was toward the end of the event. We would be camping there, and then they would come up with more than a full group trying to scare us away from camping. There were even times when they rushed the boss and took him, while we were sitting there with a mixed group that had uskoci members in it.

Sometimes we were AFK, and I was probably more guilty of this than anyone. When you are camping for a couple hours you can't be expected to put your life on hold. I had many other RL things to do, and could not be 100% online the entire time. The funny thing is that camping is part of the game, and everyone has done it so I'm not sure why it's making you uncomfortable. Do people AFK camping Deadroot make you uncomfortable? How about AFK camping pyrus? There is one Uskoci member that AFK camps Pyrus every weekday while he is at work. Does this make you uncomfortable too? The fact is that you were not unwelcome, because if you were there we would have mixed the group. I think that the feelings of unwelcomeness were just in your head. We like you Sav, and would have been happy to have you, if you would have stuck around.

The gear is freakin awesome, and can be sold for a ton of money. Just ask Father, who was the first person to sell a Radiant BP to Teaweasel for 1.5 million gold worth of plat items. The thing is that for the most part, you have to work to get these items. Sure there was the regular crowd of people there camping most times, and there were the occasional people that would stop by. But for the most part, I did not see anyone but BadaBing (and Nueee) put in the effort to actually camp the boss. We had the spawn times down. We sat there for hours. And we wondered why we were the only ones that were dedicated enough to actually put in the effort to get this armor.

The fact is that, as with anythign in life, if you want something you need to work to get it. These drops did not fall from the sky into our laps. It took hard work and dedication to get them. It took setting alarms to get up for 3am spawns. It took pulling over the car while driving just so we could fight ythair. It took sneaking off to the bathroom during work so no one would see us playing with a dragon. Many times I was so tired during the day from wakign up for an overnight spawn. But it was worth it knowing that I was one step closer to my goal. I did not see Uskoci do this ever.
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