Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Search found 1628 matches

Re: really fun in arawn now

Tbh I think a bit of competition is amazing. I remeber when I used to play arawn USKOCI vs Badabing it was amazing. Best time ever! The best part about it was how the clans would still collaborate to kill aggy etc in v3 Good memories:) Thats because it was friendly competition, there was very littl...

Re: Regeneration Guide - How to regain your HP and energy

You stated that Regens are crucial at high levels yet it's only really lvl 50-189 where people are decked with lux beyond that a lot of people trade in the lux for damage gear and rely on sigils/elixers to regen energy and health The guide is really designed for beginners. It's not meant to be all ...

Re: Beta Reward Day 2

First world problems: can't recieve glowy hand thingies, start a thread. OTM has been feeling very generous and has even given some to those who haven't tested at all.. Well wouldn't you be super mad and make a thread about it if you didn't have glowing hands? All the cool kids have glow hands. Act...

Re: The new luxury

It boggles my mind how they continuously make OP event lux for level 150s and yet eg gear is always junk :/ Yea that's the point lol. You all can argue all day that bosses like hrungrir get outdated, even though ideally they shouldn't. But this lux is for level 150! That op. Maybe if it was 200 req...

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